The British Prime Minister May not want to apparently withdraw after the Brexit, but confirmed publicly that she does not want to compete in the election of 2022, as a Tory top candidate. Prior to the start of the EU summit calls for the member States to Meet in the dispute to the Northern Ireland clause. A breakthrough May from the summit is not expected to be in Brussels. the

The British Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed that they no longer want to compete in the next election. Shortly after their arrival at the EU summit in Brussels, May reporters, said: “I would love it from the heart, to lead the Conservative party in the next General election. But I think it is right that the party would prefer to go under new leadership in the election.” You respect this wish. Rumors that she wanted to come back to the Brexit, has not been confirmed.

The Prime Minister survived on Wednesday evening in a vote of censure. Mays conservative group in the house of her said trust. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister is weakened, since a considerable number of 117 conservative MPs voted against it.

In a speech to members of her Tory party should have announced in May after the vote is already your retreat: If you make them more and more about the Brexit negotiating leave, she assured, according to numerous present a party of friends, then you will not lead the party in the next elections in the year 2022.

May is for months, under massive political pressure, and one for Tuesday’s planned vote on the Brexit had to move the Treaty in the British house of Commons due to a lack of majorities. Because the Brexit-hard-liners in Mays Conservative party fear that the United Kingdom could remain after termination of agreement on duration of the catch-all solution to Northern Ireland arrested.

The EU partners to reject renegotiations to the finished Brexit agreement, to support May, but in the struggle for the consent in the London house. The EU heads of state and government come together on Thursday in Brussels for their last summit this year. You want to consult, among other ways, as by clarification in the controversial Northern Ireland-the question of the ratification process in Britain from the cul-de-SAC.

May has called on the EU shortly before the start of the summit to come in armed to the Northern Ireland clause. You need a “legal and political representations” in order to convince the critics in the British Parliament, said Oct. “Today, it’s about what we need to lead the agreement to the goal.” An “immediate breakthrough” do not expect from the Brussels Meeting.

basic Changes to the agreement, the EU States are not ready. Also, the Bundestag has voted on Thursday against any such Changes. “It must be clear to all that the finely balanced overall package can not be broken up,” reads a resolution, which was adopted on Thursday with the votes of the government parties CDU/CSU and the SPD.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel reiterated this position shortly before the start of the summit. “I don’t see that we can change this exit agreement once again,” she said on Thursday in Brussels. “Of course you can talk about it, whether it is intended to provide additional insurance.” Here, the EU would occur-States are “very together”.