“Three months since the election – this has happened”

“It has now been three months since the elections and yet, Sweden has not had a new government. The attempts to resolve the political knots continues – this is what has happened so far.”

“september 9: Val. The red-green (S, MP, V) may 144 mandate, the Alliance 143 and The sweden democrats 62.”

“september 25th: Mandatory statsministeromröstning, Stefan Löfven voted away by 204 votes to 142.”

“27 september: President Andreas Norlén has a first round of talks with party leaders.”

“2 October: the President gives Moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson mission to probe to form a government.”

“October 9: Moderatledaren halvtidsrapporterar.”

“October 14: Moderatledaren gives up trying to form a Alliansregering. C and L have made it clear that they do not want to be in a government that requires SD support.”

“October 15: the President will give Stefan Löfven the mission to sound out the possibilities.”

“October 22: Video: emit mid-term report. “

“29 October Leaves leaves final report to the president.”

“October 30: the President sits down with the party leaders for the group call on the possible governments.”

“november 5: the President gives notification about the next step in the process of the formation of the government.”

“november 12: the President proposes Moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson as prime minister.”

“november 14: With the numbers 154 yes 195 no vote in parliament against Ulf Kristersson as prime minister. The centre party and the Liberals, along with the red and green, brought down his candidacy.”

“november 15: the President gives Centerledaren Annie Lööf mission to probe the possibilities for a new government.”

“november 22: Annie Lööf announces that her sonderingsuppdrag has failed.”

“november 23: President Andreas Norlén announces that he wants to let parliament vote on Stefan Löfven as prime minister. Löfven said that the main route is to form a blocköverskridande government.”

“december 10: Centerledaren Annie Lööf says that the government formation talks with the social democrats has burst. President Andreas Norlén announces that a vote on the Löfven as industrialized to be held on Friday 14 december.”

“december 12: the President proposes Stefan Löfven as prime minister. Löfven intends to form a government with the social democrats and the green Party. At the same time fell to the transitional government’s draft budget and the parliament voted yes to the M’s and KD’s budget option.”