Belgian F-16’s have since the beginning of september, the top Lithuania 18 Russian planes intercepted. That were almost all combat aircraft, according to major Samuel Vanophem, commander of the Belgian detachment of about 50 people in Lithuania.

Four F-16’s since the beginning of september, taken from the base of Siauliai in Lithuania. They do it to air traffic controllers ‘ on the question of NATO. The Belgian F-16’s snatch as devices without requiring identification or flight plan NATO’s airspace approaching.

Read also the Belgians participate in the largest NATO-machtsontplooiing since the Cold War: operation stoer

The air traffic controllers ‘ on-the-spot done since march 2004, the date on which the alliance was expanded with seven Eastern European countries. The three Baltic states (except Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia – have an air force, but no planes to use their airspace to monitor and protect.