For three weeks in Paris choked on the weekend in the tear gas fog. And while some want to be clear about how the new mass movement of “gilets jaunes” is the other with the argumentative TGV on-the-go: How can you only such a movement of solidarity? With West, the straps knee-deep, so it seems, in the brown swamp of the Front National, which behave in a racist and homophobic – that is, all the taunting, what makes left-wing politics, what it wants to achieve?

the Prosecutor Formulated questions from the German Left; addressed to the Superstars of French thought: the sociologist Didier Eribon, philosopher Geoffroy de Lagasnerie and the author Edouard Louis are with them. For some time the three friends position themselves with a common political rationale. They like to show themselves together on Twitter and Instagram – also the protests by the “gilets jaunes”, they salute all: “I have not only sympathy for the movement, I support you fully,” says the 36-year-old Geoffroy de Lagasnerie.

Strong voices

At its core, the yellow vests are a left-wing movement that wants to improve with protests of their precarious Situation. So de Lagasneries justification for his solidarity with the “gilets jaunes”. “This movement must go on”, because it “finally makes the faces and voices visible and audible, which are normally banned in the invisibility,” wrote Edouard Louis, in an Essay, the the “time” published. Similar to his two comrades-in-arms is said to have also expressed by Didier Eribon at a conference to mark the anniversary of the ‘ 68-Revolution in Berlin.

What say the three, has the weight: because you have commented in your texts, social exclusion mechanisms, powerful skeleton, because they make these for the rise of the populists responsible. And because they represent the guilt for the brutalization and violence is not in the Individual but in society. Institutions such as schools and universities would reproduce the injustices, they say. “Society as a judgment” is the title of a book by Didier Eribon, which he published in a follow-up to his best-selling book “returning to Reims”.

“A political movement that is purified of all contradictions.”Didier Eribon, sociologist

If you are talking about the conditions in society, speak three French, with large implicitness of “social violence”, which all of the conditions of embossing. This is followed at this evening event with Didier Eribon and Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Edouard Louis from the audience: they point to the social mechanisms of Selection – here at the University of Lausanne, where this Wednesday a discussion on the function of philosophical criticism. And the will always then really drive, if of the “gilets jaunes”.

anyone Who wants a political movement that has been cleaned of all the political contradictions, chasing a phantasm, says Didier Eribon. Because there is no such thing according to him. Otherwise, the 1968 was: The workers would have the feminists, and the Gays of their protests is excluded. Of a single movement, a “convergence” of the political struggles, there can be no question that this was nothing more than “mythology”. Against the idealization Eribon leads to a Text by Jean-Paul Sartre, in which the latter writes about the racism of the worker who had disappeared in the Wake of the strikes of 1968. A political movement can have a transformative effect: you can change people for the Better.

The legacy of Foucault’s

Sartre’s Text provides Eribon hope with regard to the “gilets jaunes” and the statistics give you additional food: On the day of the event in Lausanne, the results of a scientific study are in “Le Monde” appeared to the protesters. The Bulk of the yellow vests are employees, farmers, traders, and workers; on average they are 45 years old and say of themselves that they are more to the left (40%) or no political bearing (33 percent). Also, what you want seems to be clear: the purchasing power increase (53 percent), less tax to pay (41 percent) and a better distribution of wealth (19.9 percent). Only 18.7 percent of the “gilets jaunes” are to be understood as Opposition to Macrons government – at least in the statistics, which was collected at the first two week of the riots.

“The relationships of Power are heterogeneous and chaotic. Any political campaign is unique.”Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, philosopher.

Eribon, de Lagasnerie and Louis have never made a secret of their contempt for Emmanuel Macron: The President is a “authoritarian type”, the wool increase at the expense of the Weak, the state apparatus and itself, says de Lagasnerie. That evening, the philosopher argues against an orientation of the political struggles on Macron – in spite of a throw-in from the audience, the aims in this direction: The repressive violence of the state, the de Lagasnerie was looking for in his book on the French court system, have nothing directly to do with neo-liberalism. The balance of power were “messy” and too heterogeneous a lot. It was therefore not possible to reach the fight against social injustice on a target, to a Person of the Orient – or a convergence of the struggles, like it wanted some Left in an almost obsessive way. Instead, we must insist on the uniqueness of the fights, it was Foucault the legacy of the philosopher Michel says his biographer, Didier Eribon.

From neoliberalism learning

It is necessary to be limited to the most urgent struggles. You should not get bogged down, added Geoffroy de Lagasnerie. He himself is part of that March as part of a Committee with the yellow vests that not only his General displeasure expressed, but for something Concrete strong: justice for Adama Traoré, who died in July of 2016, under unclear circumstances in a Paris police station. Traoré had been the victim of police violence, argues the Committee, for the de Lagasnerie.

It is questionable whether the protests of the “gilets jaunes” will continue over Christmas: last weekend, the police went with full force against the protesters. Now the days are getting colder. And since Tuesday the assassination of Strasbourg is dominated by the actuality.

“the movement of The “gilets jaunes” must continue to exist, because it makes Invisible visible.”Edouard Louis, A Writer.

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie want to go this Saturday on the road. “Are you coming as well?” he asks Edouard Louis after the conference. In the evening in Lausanne, de Lagasnerie but also methods in the baggage, with which the Left could lasting success: “We must learn from the last successful Revolution,” says de Lagasnerie. For him, the neo-liberalism that have made it into the “brains of the elites” to penetrate and to make the Thinking on the head.

Thus, such a head revolutions in the style of neo-liberalism could succeed, it is necessary to infiltrate the institutions. “Will judges, high officials, or constitutional councils”, Geoffroy de Lagasneries appeal to anarchists. “There, you can at the most move. I myself would be no Problem with culture or the Minister of the interior, if Jean-Luc Mélenchon is soon to be President,” he says. It could well be that you will hear a lot of de Lagasnerie and his friends.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 19:09 PM