I must admit that it happens with me also. That I feel hit by the artists, their speech, and wants to have a chat with them. But I tend to wait until the concert is over.

Trond Torsvik. Show more

Politiadvokat Ernst Ragnar Pfaff says to Dagbladet.no 8. December that when the Camel stagedivet and rapped “fuck the police” during his own concert, experienced politibetjentene that the statement was directed against them, and they wanted a chat with the artist.

the Problem is that the police interrupted the concert to take this conversation, with the obvious consequence that the people were cursed. Pfaff defend their underordnedes interventions, and explains that “one must take the entire setting into account”.

It is just the whole setting as either Pfaff or politibetjentene seems to have taken into consideration. The police found themselves in the freedom of expression the core of a concert with political speech.

one Can say “fuck the police” in Kristiansand in 2018? Comment

As a result convention on human rights article 10 freedom of speech, artists and audience members the freedom to have opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by a public authority. One of our most important guarantees against the abuses of power by authorities, grunnpremisset for the community’s free development, as we now mark 70-anniversary of the.

Right to speak is a very strongest for speech that criticizes public authority. In the same way that the health care provider must provide help to the people they dislike, are the police obliged to ensure the artists their right to say “fuck the police” from a scene, whether they like ytringen or not. Pfaff says that the Camel got the audience “in on this” and that he thus succeeded, with encouragement to forulemping by the police. What to expect Pfaff of a larger rapkonsert. An audience that is not rapper?

After both the Constitution and human rights, police are only allowed to intervene in a concert if it is necessary for democracy. To remove the microphone from an artist because you want a chat, is rake the opposite of a necessity for democracy. This should be legal baby food for the Pfaff, that even confirms that the chaos arose only after the police intervened.

Rapper the Camel was arrested during a concert in Kristiansand

When the police eventually found it necessary to make arrests in order to calm the gemyttene, it was, after all, to judge, gemyttene that they even triggered by making a disproportionate intervention in the freedom of expression – and the 70-anniversary.

Since Camel set 13 hours on glattcelle, aimed to harass those who wronged his concert, notified the police on Twitter that they canceled a concert in order “to maintain safety for the public and peace and order. Also because there were several scuffles, violence against guards, public nuisance, use and possession of drugs, high numbers of intoxicated persons, forulemping of the police as well as attempts at violence against the police.”

While the police show their best sides on reality TV, avfeier the virtually any criticism from the few who dare to stand up as a victim of unfair treatment. If a reviewer police to spesialenheten are usually among the 95 percent who get a case dismissed.

the Art might have been the safest place to tell about their own experiences with the police without looking like a loser. But it is not so long if you follow the Pfaff their reasoning.