Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been one of the harshest critics of saudi Arabia for the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. This despite the fact that the country holds more journalists in prison than any other country in the world – 68 pieces, according to a report from the New York-based CPJ (Committee to protect journalists).

” the Attacks against the independent media started already before the coup attempt in 2016, but escalated after that, says Courtney Radsch, head of pressfrihetsorganisationens advocacy, and adds that Turkey tops the list for the third year in a row.

as the situation has deteriorated. The number of jailed reporters has increased substantially since the introduction of the so-called war against terrorism. In the beginning of december, set at least 251 journalists imprisoned around the world for having exercised their profession, to compare with 125 ten years ago and 81 years in 2000.

the CPJ describes the development as a new normality. The majority of the journalists accused of being a threat to state security, for example through inclusion or links to banned terrorist organizations. But in recent years also has more and more been locked up accused of spreading false news.

power was dependent on journalists to reach out with their message, ” says Radsch.

But with the shift in technology and access to social media, journalists have been caught in a less powerful position and thus become easier to do away with.

as extremely serious and believe that a handful of states should be held responsible. In addition to Turkey, she mentions, among others, China and Egypt, where the number of imprisoned journalists increased in the last year. Together the three countries for over half of the incarcerated journalists globally.

In China, where 47 reporters are imprisoned, linked the development to the wave of persecution of the minority group, the uighurs in Xinjiang, where at least ten journalists are incarcerated without having been told what they are accused of.

The most high-profile case involving photojournalist Lu Guang disappeared in the beginning of november. Authorities have confirmed that Guang have been arrested, but not why, or he was imprisoned, according to CPJ.

changed radically under president Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, who took power in 2014 and beyond has initiated a number of massgripanden of journalists. Of the 25 that are in prison are 19 on charges including spreading false news. One of them is the blogger ”Mohamed Oxygen”, who was arrested after reporting on allegations of electoral fraud and police violence.

” The international community is not doing enough. We see how the other countries are silent. This is about states, not other types of actors and should not be acceptable, ” says Courtney Radsch.