For the time being there is a queue in front of the ’Family Food Pølsevognen in Blaavand’, for a part of the tens of thousands of German tourists in the field appear, that the Danish red sausage or a hot dog with remoulade sauce is an exotic and festive feature on holiday.

But it can go and become a legitimate festive with feriemave and vomiting. Fødevarekontrollen revealed other alarming hygiene conditions in the carriage.

For the first there was no water supply to the cart, and ’pølsevognens sink was hidden by flamingokasse, but there was not connected to the water’, and ’there was also no hand soap in the pølsevognen,’ it says in a report.

a Watchdog in the Food-getting in the supermarket: How you are being ripped off

in turn was down on the floor a bucket with unclean water with sand at the bottom’.

But it was not the worst. What’s worse was that the water, as the red sausages and wienerpølser, was old and risky.

Fødevarekontrollen writes: ’At the close of business turned off kogekaret and pølsevandet to stand in the tub in pølsevognen for the next day. Pølsevandet are changed every fourth day.’

But it was even worse: In the flamingokasse, which was out of place in the inept hand wash, lay ustegte grillpølser freely at room temperature. They were over 12 degrees of heat, and is thus in a process where they were on the way in decay

the Unveiling costs pølsemanden Brian supervisory board held a pungent sour smiley, a fine of 5,000 plus two indskærpelser.

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No other mobile food vendors in Denmark have for the time being so ugly remarks, so the Extra Magazine is calling Brian Steiness, which owns two wagons in the area, to hear what is going on?

– Yes, the new employee, she clocked in it. We lie down and admits that it was mad, but I get our lawyer to look at According to the criticism. We are looking at now here, and as long as we do it, I have no further comments.

But it was quite glaring: the Sausages just stood freely at the room temperature and the water in the pølsekaret was old?

It was a new employee, so yes – it was not so good with the sausages. When it comes to water, I do not think it is no problem as long as the water daily are warmed up to 70 degrees. We have been given the elite-smiley faces for many years, so it is too bad with this case.

Close to Messing with top juice-kings

– It sounds as though you are formally responsible are trying to blame on a new employee, you have not trained enough?

– No, the responsibility is mine. No doubt about it. I lay me down flat and says that the kind should be in order. I will work extra hard on that new employees follow the rules.

– But how should you be able to train an employee to follow the rules, when there is not even running water in the pølsevognen?

– Yes, now you shall hear. Pølsevognen is an old model, and it means that there is no requirement that there is water supply from the outside as long as there is water inside the cart, which you can use to hand wash.