this christmas, we wish only one thing: Reza Bank Rahimi and other young people who are sitting in detention pending deportation shall be celebrating christmas at home in Sweden.

It could be a fun story about how the integration works when it is best. A story about a boy who was born in war and oppression were given a new chance in life, got a new country, a new city and a new family that loves and cares about him. In a country that has asked us to open up our families and our hearts for people in need.

But what makes Sweden then? Well, despite the fact that his Swedish family he lived with for two years wants to adopt him downloaded Reza on 16 november from their home in Tidaholm, with the handcuffs be put in the facility in Kållered.

in anticipation of deportation to Afghanistan, a country that is considered even more dangerous today than when the decision on rejection came. He has received his age-the height of ten months with a method that is often considered questionable. Åldersbedömningar we thought many of us that we never I would have to experience, but it would remain something you read about in school and förfasats over.

Reza and his family need justice. He has this week received yet another rejection on the verksamhetshinder. But the decision reached him not until three days after the decision was taken.

All of these costs with lawyers, investigations, detention and flights with a single purpose: to send young people like Reza out of Sweden and leave all that opened their hearts with grief and loss.

can receive all, but we can at least take care of the young people we already have here since many years and who have nothing to return to. We just wish that somebody takes responsibility, that it is a fair assessment. Who listens to our desperate cries?

If these young people who have been in Sweden for several years now are not allowed to stay by grounds for asylum, not of human reason, not on the basis of the crc, not because they have new families in Sweden, should they stay for economic reasons?

They have gone in the Swedish school, the Swedish, and many have already received jobs, and they are necessary for our well-being will be continue.

We are Rezas friends in the Swedish church’s youth group and just to be a part in a christian context is a threat for Reza if he is deported. We do everything we can to create opinion, get someone to take responsibility for the errors that occurred during the asylum process.

We have had a rally with over 300 people a day after Reza downloaded unceremoniously by the police. We have started a petition with 2,500 names. We have also written an open letter to bishop Åke Bonnier bishop responded to and actively support.

We have sold the bracelet with the text ”letrezastay” and we have visited Reza in the repository in order to give him love and hope. But we need the help of those who have the power to change. Our confidence for the authorities, the police and the politicians are falling apart.

On Thursday we left over the petition to mp Annika Hirvonen Falk (MP). We also met Erik Ezelius (S), which comes from Tidaholm, in the house of parliament.

We want to know if it is the case that Sweden wants to send people to the precarious conditions perhaps death. We can do better! We have so much of resources in our country. We demand amnesty now and to all deportations to Afghanistan will be stopped.