Since 2010, energy labelling of housing was a legal requirement, the system has been challenged by sharp criticism. Several quality checks have also pointed out the error rates far above the acceptable limits.

An annual labour force sample survey made by the Danish energy agency has shown that in 2017 were errors in approximately one out of five controlled energy labels. An improvement in relation to 2016, where the observed errors in each of the third, but still a piece from the desired level.

When the Dea points out errors, it’s mostly about energy labels, which after a physical control changes in character (e.g. from C to D). In connection with the most recent quality control the agency is given 45 opinions to the companies that have produced erroneous energimærkninger, and 6 am censuring the firms that have prepared energimærkninger with serious or repeated mistakes and shortcomings.

As a result of, among other things, the frequency of errors has the energy, utility and environment minister Lars Chr. Lilleholt (V) in the spring of 2018 held three heldagsmøder with a number of organizations that have experience with energy labels.

When it is important that there is sufficient confidence in the energy label, due to, among other things, that a bad label can have consequences.

A bad label can make it harder to sell a home, as prospective buyers can completely opt-out of homes with poor energy performance certificates, or offer a lower price. For the buyer, it may be harder to borrow against the dwelling.

Facts on the label

It has since 2010 been a legal requirement that the label shall be a part of the sales literature in connection with the ejendomshandlerAlle properties must energimærkes at the sale, and properties of over 1,000 m2 must energimærkes each 7. or 10. year. The frequency depends on how large the energy savings proposed in the energimærketFormålet of the label is to give property buyers and tenants an overview of what the overall costs to heat the property before writing a purchase or lease agreement.The label also provides an insight into the energy improvements that are profitable to implement. The label prepared by an energy consultant who is trained and appointed by the EnergistyrelsenSkalaen for energimærkerne goes from A to G, where properties with energy label A has the lowest energy consumption and G the højesteI 2017 was prepared 69.142 energimærkninger. Since 2006, produced almost 650.000 energimærkninger

Source: the Danish energy agency

It is apparent from the position paper sent to participants in advance of the meetings in the spring, that the purpose of the overall work is ’to give effect to a future energy label, which helps to create a transparent real estate market, and promote energy efficiency’. the

At the meetings were several of the energimærkeordningens sharpest critics, including the Danish Ejendomsmæglerforening and the Consumer Think, represented. the

The same was a variety of professional organizations such as the Association of consulting Engineers (FRI), Ingeniørforeningen I Danmark (IDA) and the Danish Association for Bygningssagkyndige and energy consultants (BfBE).

the Label in the face of adversity

the Problem with too many errors have plagued the system for years, and was made current in 2015, as an external control of the energimærkningsrapporter, which was prepared in 2013 and 2014, revealed the error in 34 percent of the mærkerneEt error-prone label has economic implications for consumers, and in 2015 estimated Copenhagen Economics, to a single step of the energimærkets bogstavstige can cause a boligprisændring of up to 55,000 kronerI October 2018 com the think tank Kraka, with a scathing criticism of energimærkeordningenKritikken was rounded off with a recommendation to scrap the current system for the benefit of an energy label that reflects the house’s real energiøkonomiKraka criticises the fact that the house’s energy consumption does not reflect the fuel bills, as energy prices depends on the varmekildenDesuden reflects the label is not the energy consumption of the building, but the energy consumption of the entire energy system, which after the Krakas assessment blurs the link between the label and the actual energy consumption, as the home owner must pay for

It has not been possible to ascertain what improvements in Energy-, Utility – and Klimaministeriet concrete chew on.

Bolius has therefore sought access to documents in the Danish energy authority, which administers the scheme and has helped with the conduct of the meetings, to find out what proposals have been promoting in the process.

the Inspection provides an insight into the problems and possible solutions are discussed at the meetings, and which thus constitutes a part of the minister’s knowledge.

What we already know is that you have it made easier to get for companies that do not make the energy labelling of the required quality. There is also a put up to an increased digitisation of the label.

Each of the full day was divided in the following themes and questions, which takes its starting point in the challenges, the current system has:

Why do many mistakes when buildings energimærkes? How to be fejlmængden down? How should the quality of the energy labelling scheme controlled? Which content should and should be in energimærkningsrapporten? How can existing and new data sources to support the preparation of energy performance certificates – and what are the possibilities for the use of the marks?

The discussions and proposed solutions, the above questions have given rise to, are unfolded over 12 pages, which you can explore in here.

to learn more on what for the ordinary homeowner is the most interesting considerations, Henrik Bishop, expert in the subject in Bolius, looked the documents through. Henrik Bisp has years of experience with energimærkeordningen on rådgiversiden.

General notes Henry Bishop, that the meetings have been mostly about the energimærkeordningens professional basis.

– Much, but not everything that is being discussed, is on the theoretical level, and has probably little interest for the ordinary homeowner. For most, this is the label a piece of work that is ordered and performed by a professional, and so there are a few private, that really puts itself into the fabric before and after, says fageksperten.

the energy Labelling of homes

One of the things that at the meetings are highlighted as a measure that can make energimærkeordningen better and more accurate, is to involve the homeowners more.

It should in other words be easier to contribute with the information that must be included on energy labels, and it can be by filling in forms or questions in advance.

– It is a good thing, that added up to sharpen the focus on the seller’s responsibility to ensure the correct information in, for example, BBR. It can make the consultant’s work easier, since the value of this report depends largely on a well-informed basis, says Henry Bishop.

At the meetings, the industry has also suggested that the ministry may consider dividing the energy label of the building envelope and technical installations.

At the building envelope means the, that separates a building out from the inside so that the exterior walls, doors and windows. Technical installations, however, is e.g. the form of heating most, ventilation, sanitation and the like.

the Idea is to develop two separate energy labels, which finally can be assembled in a brand. And it looks Henrik Bisp as a measure that can help to create a clear conception of the homeowners.

– To separate the building envelope and heat source can help the home owner understand how the two affect each other. You may well have bought a new gas oven, but if the house is poorly insulated, it is not much.

– Right now it’s all together, but to separate things visually, you can help the home owner understand where the largest improvements can be obtained. In general, it is good that you suggest a clear visualization of what is needed to move from its label, since the information and the proposal can be illustrated better than a long list of dry figures, estimates Henry Bishop.

Among the proposals to increase the ease of use is also to make a short and a long version of the report, where the short suffice to sum up the report’s most important information.

Errors in every third label: What does it mean for the home owner?

As things are right now, is the label’s most interesting, when a dwelling is to be sold. A second recommendation is therefore to create a dynamic brand that can change as you complete the energy efficiency improvements, it says in your report.

On the way it may be possible to go from energy label C to A, even though there is a long time before you need to sell the home and have made a new report.

– It can for the home owner to be an incentive to implement the remedial action in the here and now, if you can both see and feel that the house is gradually getting more and more energy efficient, says Henry Bishop.

It is according to Henrik Bisp also positive that at the meetings has turned the possibilities for increasing the focus on softer issues such as comfort and indoor climate, which is not affected to a great extent right now.

– It is not necessarily money or profitability that motivates, but the increased well-being in the house can get more homeowners to bring the proposals to fruition, he says.

‘What are the conclusions and changes, the minister finally going ahead with, when energimærkeordningen needs to be improved, we will first learn about a time before the turn of the year’ (to 2019, ed.), it sounds in a mail from Christian Lietzen, press officer at the Energy, Utility and Klimaministeriet.

Facts about Bolius

Bolius – the Homeowners ‘ knowledge Centre is owned by Realdania.

Bolius is an independent non-profit organisation, which aims to convey the knowledge to the homeowners. Bolius does not sell products or services.