When he on Thursday met the media to sum up the political situation, he drew up abortspørsmålet that “the main issue”.

He believes prime minister Erna Solberg (H) used abortsaken completely conscious that forhandlingskort during the process of KrFs retningsvalg.

It was thoughtful of the Prime minister’s office and prepared by byråkratene in the ministry of Health, said Støre and continued:

With the starting point that we have in front of regjeringsforhandlingene, so I put to the reason that there are suggestions about changes in the abortloven. It would be irresponsible to not expect that this is very likely.

– KrFs main case

That Erna Solberg repeatedly said that women’s rights is fixed, but Støre feel not confident on this.

– We need to look at the realities. The prime minister has even opened for changes in abortloven and in the Christian democratic Party has Ropstad and Bollestad this as their main cause, ” says Støre to the Newspaper.

That coalition parties the progress party and the Left both have opposed the changes in the abortloven, is not soothing, believes Støre.

– the Left is blurry and the Progress party, has not this as its main cause. Where is the question soon what else can get in regjeringsforhandlingene. We support the current abortlov must be mobilized to defend it, ” he says.

the Woman’s options

Also not in the disputed question of fosterreduksjon, so-called tvillingabort, Støre open for legislative changes.

It is extremely rare with these cases, but I mean it to the seventh and last event have to be up to the woman to decide. If the option is to remove both the embryo, the woman have the ultimate say and decide whether she will carry forward one, he said.

On the question whether he himself would have rejected the claim about changes in the abortloven in any regjeringsforhandlinger with KrF, black Støre a clear “yes”.

In the Sector, there has been a realpolitisk opinion since the beginning of the 1980s that the party does not have a majority for the changes in the abortloven, ” he says.

– Will be voted down

the progress party Åse Bruun-Gundersen says Støre and the Labour party can rely on Frp in abortsaken.

” We have been clear all the way – also before the KrFs retningsvalg. It is out of the question for us to narrow down abortloven. It is annoying that Støre pretends as if he has not received this, she says to Dagbladet.

– A change of abortloven must be presented to the Parliament – and where is the progress party stortingsrepresentanter unattached. There is no reason to believe that there is a majority in Parliament for changes in the abortloven, she continues.

– So you do not exclude that a new majority rule – where the party included – can come to propose changes in the abortloven for the Parliament?

I will not sit in the negotiations and have no opportunity to comment on it. But abortloven will in any case be a matter for Parliament, and where there is not majority support for restricting women’s rights, ” she says.

– Abortlovfrykt in Progress