I HAVE NOT skiboks, has never been used like glue that hair product and I don’t understand why cross country skiing is the country’s nasjonalidrett as long as people sit at home watching TV when the whole world class is on Tuesday in the sunshine and minus three degrees.

It was the (almost) nobody on the skistadion or out in the trails

I am, therefore, not the national målgruppa who click a few hundred thousand times on a nettsak only the shows snørra to Petter Northug.

I don’t understand the thing.

I on the other hand has been with me is that Petter Northug cross country. The Norwegian national sport, unlike football, does not need spectators at the arenas – this is measured exclusively in the ratings on NRK and klikktall on the Newspaper.no and VG.no – had not been the same without it.

I thought: “Where did he come from? And what driver is he with?”

The four mannfolka and the one dog you see in Toblach during the Tour de Ski would not been there if it wasn’t for Petter Northug.

EVEN MARIT BJØRGEN and Therese Johaug would not have been the same without Peter. They would just been almost Marit Bjørgen and nearly Therese Johaug. Just as Martin Johnsrud sundby’s time only would have been almost Martin Johnsrud sundby’s time. Or what with she angry polakken who have made a life of being the only polakken that do not use skis to jump with, what would she be without Petter? Not to mention the swedes, yes, especially them, or the finns and the russians, whether they are taken in doping or not?

Yes, I tell you, they would have been very much poorer.

On everything.

THERE HAS BEEN times where Petter Northug has been to spy. Because of the behavior. The only thing that is worse than a bad loser is a bad winner. One only need to rub it in and hovere with its own excellence. A winner who is not humble. But when it comes to Sweden, none of these gentlemansprinsippene in the game.

It has not been since the 1940s.

WHY is simple. Norway was occupied during world war ii. Sweden was so called neutral. It will say that they are not the selected page and participated in the war. Profitability was their thing. Where they allowed German troops and supplies travel risk-free through the country to wage war in Norway, not to mention that they made themselves filthy rich on supplying iron ore to the German war machine.

Among much else.

WHEN the WAR WAS eventually invited Sweden us vennskapslandskamp at the Rasunda in Stockholm. They beat us 10-0! Not 2-0 as I think they stappmette would have chosen to do against the utmagrede, you should not give it away either.

Bitter rivals despairs after Northug-exiten: – A jäkla stjärna

No, 10-0 was there.

the UK WAS DOWN and was pissa. The swedes hoverte and ravaged. They possessed no sympathy. They had no empathy. And then the result sank into a gutts idrettsinteresserte consciousness once at the end of the 60’s – on top of the neutrality, supplies, troop movements and the sale of iron ore to Hitler’s Wehrmacht, minus Björn Borg, Ralph Edstrøm and the PALACE of Gothenburg, sweden in the 80’s, they were and will always be my heroes – opened up a wound that needed a huge patch.

Petter Northug came with it.

world cup RELAY IN Kollen 2011 is therefore one of the greatest moments in the Norwegian idrettshistorien. Not because we won, we do the mostly always on the skis, but because Petter Northug pissa on the swedes. First passed he Marcus Hellner in the last little hill before the finish, so either he Hellner, and then he went from the Hellner to the whole nation euphoric tribute.

But instead to pass the finish line in all its superiority stopped Petter Northug and waited for his fanatical competitor.

Before he took that last little stavtaket when the swede was within range.

ALL OTHER contexts I would have raised me in the protest, said it was a presumptuous and objectionable, and that you have to learn to win with style. Just as you should celebrate a fotballscoring with joy. But there and then, while the swedes in rage and disgust called our ankermann for a pig, I stood only with his hands above his head and shouted, “thank you, and remember the Rasunda 1945”.

“Now you know how it is to be pissa.”

“that’s the Way it is to lose 10-0.”

And for that I would like to thank Petter Northug.

this is How to not forget.

These athletes are nominated to the People’s idrettspris 2018