Bizarre In Egypt are a kamelendrijver and a young woman is arrested because she is a Danish couple had to make a pyramid to climb. They were on top daring images and put it five days ago on YouTube.

Danish photographer Andreas Hvid put last week’s nude photos of him and his girlfriend online. According to him, found the lovemaking session even place on the Great Pyramid of Giza. That provoked angry reactions in Egypt.

also Read Egypt furious: Danish couple has sex on top of a pyramid and makes a video of

“the research shows that the 54-year-old kamelendrijver the Danes has helped to make the site on november 29, night to climb in exchange for a sum of 4,000 Egyptian pounds (200 euros)”, says a communiqué of the ministry. At the same time was also a 31-year-old woman, who, as an intermediary acting between the Danes and the kamelendrijver, arrested. According to the ministry, she knew the Danes via the internet. Both detainees confessed to the facts and were transferred to the public prosecutor.

“Breach of public morality”
On the approximately three-minute video is to see how the two climbing the pyramid. All the way at the end on a still image to see how the two share a nude embrace. Minister of Antiquities, Khaled al-Anani said in the staatskrant al-Ahram of “pornographic images” and “a violation of public morality”.

The climbing of the pyramids is already for many years forbidden in Egypt. Regularly, people try, however, to be on the top of the ancient monuments to the west.