Nine people, among them a German, were killed, as in the early Morning in Ankara, a high speed train crashed. Under the suspicion of negligence on the part of the police arrested three railway employees.

Among the Victims of the train crash in Ankara, also a German. This has been confirmed by the police against the ARD-Studio Istanbul. For more information about the identity of the dead there were no. Overall, had died in the Morning of nine people, as a high-speed train with a locomotive collided. 47 people were injured.

Only hours after the accident, the police arrested three railway employees. They were suspected of negligence, reported the Turkish state news Agency Anadolu. Further details were not initially disclosed.

Nine people were killed in the collision of a train with a Wartungslok in Ankara.

head-on collision at the Station Marsandiz

Close to the Station Marsandiz was the high speed train, first frontally against a Wartungslok and then a Release hit, the collapse of the then part. Parts of the bridge fell on the wagons.

The Express train had left the station only just in the direction of the province of Konya in Central Turkey. The accident site is located only seven kilometres from the main train station. A total of around 200 passengers were on Board. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised a thorough investigation and punishment of those responsible.

train wreck in Ankara
tagesschau 12:00 PM, 13.12.2018

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