war, death, famine, the situation in Yemen is dramatic. Now there seems to be a ray of light: the parties to The conflict have agreed on a truce for the important port city of Hodeida.

the parties to The conflict in Yemen have agreed a ceasefire for the embattled port city of Hodeida. The war parties had agreed in their peace negotiations in the Swedish town of Rimbo, said UN Secretary-General, António Guterres.

the port is important for aid deliveries

All of the fighters from the port of the homonymous city, are to be deducted. The port is Central to the supply of the country, which suffers from a severe humanitarian crisis.

This is an important step towards sustainable peace negotiations, said Guterres. The UN will play in the control of the port, the majority of humanitarian aid, arrived in Yemen, a “key role” in order to facilitate the delivery of aid, Guterres.

In Yemen for 2014, a war between Saudi Arabia and other Arab States supported the forces of President Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi and the Shiite Houthi rebels supported by Iran.

The conflict has cost, according to a new estimate so far, about 60,000 people, the life, and the worst humanitarian disaster in the world triggered. Large parts of the already desperately poor country on the verge of a famine.

next Meeting at the end of January

The mediation of the UN special envoy Martin Griffiths held peace talks in Sweden, are the first of the parties to the conflict since 2016. Since last week, the war of negotiating parties to a peace agreement. After the completion of the first round of talks on Thursday there will be the end of January a new Meeting, said Guterres.

20 millions of people in Yemen hungry,11.12.2018 Yemen: agreement suffer on the exchange of prisoners, 06.12.2018 Atlas |Yemen |Sanaa

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