“Swedish jättestudie to solve the mystery of obsessive-compulsive disorder”

“No one knows why we have obsessive thoughts or why some people get severe problems with obsessive-compulsive disorder and other none at all. “

“A unique Swedish study going on right now hope to provide answers to the questions.”

“– There is a large genetic study, which is probably the world’s largest, ” says Christian Rück, senior lecturer in psychiatry at the Karolinska Institute.”

“About two percent of the population has obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD as it is also called. That is to say that you feel bad and get anxiety from obsessions or to not act them out.”

“– Any single tvångstanke most. But in obsessive-compulsive disorder, it becomes an obstacle, ” says Christian Rück, senior lecturer in psychiatry and forskningsgruppsledare at Karolinska institutet. “

“the OCD can lead to obsessive behaviors, which in the worst cases, affecting health, relationships, job and practically the whole of life. “

“– Man has a difficulty to distinguish between small risks and big risks. People with compulsions have a hard time standing out with the thoughts and ascribe to them great importance, ” says Christian Rück.”

“To the obsessions and obsessive-compulsive disorder hereditary about 50 percent, you know. But why some get it and others don’t, there are no clear answers to. That Christian Rück, together with a team of scientists, in a study with thousands of participants.”

” We want to make this jättestudien to understand obsessive-compulsive disorder in more detail. If we have more detailed knowledge, perhaps we can prevent the disease from occurring, ” says Christian Rück.”

“In the study, all of which over the age of 18 years who have obsessive-compulsive disorder to participate.”

“– It is unique simple to go with. You can sign up on the internet and identify themselves with bankid. You get a salivkit sent to you which you spit in and send back, ” says Christian Rück. “

“the Saliva is then analyzed and the participants are interviewed by telephone. So far, the study has almost 1,500 participants. The goal is 5 000 people. “

” We are trying to find out which specific genes it is that is causing this. There is a large genetic study, which is probably the world’s largest. “

“About two years the study is scheduled to be finished and already within a year think Christian Rück, that you will be able to get some first results on the parts of the material. “

“– It will help to explain which specific genetic variants that contribute to obsessive-compulsive disorder is hereditary, ” he says.”

“the Facts: Obsessions, compulsions, obsessive-compulsive disorder”

“Tvångstankarn▪ Involuntary appearance of thoughts which are perceived as jagfrämmande and that usually involves dirt, fear of hurting others, or about sexual or other taboo subjects. Studies show that obsessions of this kind occur from time to time in 80-90 % of the population without obsessive-compulsive disorder in the psychiatric sense are developed.n nTvångshandlingarn▪ Compulsions usually aims to control or otherwise neutralize tvångstankarna. The most common types of compulsions are compulsive washing and compulsive controlling. Another example is obsessive-compulsive slowness. Also different kinds of inner thoughts can be used to control or neutralise the obsessions.n nOCD, obsessivt-kompulsivt syndrome (obsessive compulsive disorder)n▪ Mental disorder that manifests itself in obsessive thoughts and compulsions, or either of these to such an extent that they create significant problems for the person, is very time-consuming or prevent him or her from the work professionally or in relationships to other people.n nKälla: Psykologiguiden.see.”

“Source: Christian Rück”