for years politicians on both sides of the center spoke about how to combat involuntary part-time. Nevertheless, there are almost as many who work part-time now, as ten years ago. Now will nestlederne in the three present coalition parties to take action.

Temporary employment was no opener Debate

– Arbeidslivspolitikken is important for all of the present coalition parties. In many workplaces, particularly in healthcare, is the great use of part-time. It is easy to resort to deltidskontrakter rather than to invest long term in employees, ” says Hadia May (Ap) to Dagbladet.

A quick search on the Find shows a series of fixed deltidsstillinger under the 50 per cent announced in the municipalities, some right down 13 per cent.

Now has the Ap , SV and Sp teamed up about two proposals to the Parliament to strengthen the right to full-time.

– I can almost just say welcome after the present coalition parties. The actions they ask about the introduces we from 1. January. The government’s christmas gift to the people who are working part-time is that we forces must to part of a position, ” says labor minister Anniken Hauglie (H).

Will turn the burden of proof

The present coalition will instead make it so that the employer must be able to prove that they have a real need to use deltidsstillinger.

– Under the present coalition government, we did it so that one shall have the right to the stillingsbrøken which one actually works. Now we see that there is a need to reverse the burden of proof. Instead of that worker must document this, then the employer must explain why it is necessary to use part-time, ” says Kirsti Bergstø (A) to Dagbladet.

In the election before the present coalition government was first elected in 2005, went then kvinnepolitisk leader in Ap, Karita Bekkemellem, and promised to struggle against the involuntary part-time. Still stood, the proportion of workers who worked part-time almost at a standstill in the next few years.

From 2006 to regjeringsskiftet in 2013, the proportion of deltidsarbeidende down by one percent, from 19,9 to 18.9, according to figures from STATISTICS norway. From 2013 up to 2017, the proportion of down further one per cent to 17,9.

– It only shows that skremselspropagandaen from the present coalition parties failed. They warned that the bourgeois parties would reverse gender equality. It was so of course not. The development is positive, says Hauglie.

Why couldn’t the present coalition government to do something about this?

I believe that we did much with it. We worked consciously in cooperation with the municipalities that wanted to take hold of this, ” says Anne Beathe Tvinnereim (Sp).

May also believe we need to look at the statistics from the other nordic countries.

Norway is the country in the Nordic region to use the most part time. In Finland it has been almost not deltidsbruk, and in Sweden and Denmark, there is often talk about the positions up to 80 per cent. We stand out in a negative way, ” says May.

One of three women working part-time

With the Progress in vippeposisjon it will be up to them if the suggestions from the present coalition goes through in Parliament or not. Even if they haven’t gone into government, it is still a big question mark behind whether they want to risk tirre on the coalition parties just before they go into negotiations.

The three nestlederne believe that this case marks a clear distinction between the red and blue page in the policy, and promises to take hold in involuntary part-time in the municipalities they win in lokalvalget in the fall of 2019.

“Løsarbeidersamfunnet” that never came Debate

the Ap, Sv and Sp are standing together to raise the respect for those guys this is about. It is often lavtlønte and often women who are in heavy work. It’s about giving them economic freedom and a safer life, said Tvinnereim.

Even if the proportion of working women working part-time has decreased somewhat in the last ten years, they are still far behind men in the pursuit of full-time jobs. In 2017 stood almost one in three working women in a part-time job. In men the percentage was less than one out of ten.

Bergstø mean lack of equality in the home is to explain the high deltidsandelen in women.

– If one is to divide the paid work more equally, so also need to work at home is distributed more equally, ” she says.

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