With a few exceptions (for example, ‘The Dark Knight’series and ‘Watchmen’) has tegneseriegiganten DC Comics always stood in the shadow of its competitor Marvel, when it came to adaptations of their various universes – in each case the purely artistic. It is also true, although Marvel was completely down to scrape the bottom with their latest blockbuster ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’.

It forgave them, however, like when Marvel had recently put trump in with the formidable ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Avengers: Infinity War’. But now it seems as if, to DC Comics after the rivets as the ‘Suicide Squad’, ‘Wonder Woman’ and ‘Justice League’ really is about to join in the fight again with ‘Aquaman’.

movie Reviews – 5. christmas. 2018 – at. 06:19 the Meanest, most soulless and boring Marvel movies ever

To the cinemas almost tæppebombarderes with superhero movies, after all, is not so strange, since the bulky format of the degree is designed for the big sale rather than streamingtjenesternes something more modest framework. The old saying that the movie should be seen in the movies,it matches the level on superhero movies, there just seems to be getting wilder and wilder – not least visually.

It also applies to ‘Aquaman’, which, at all levels, spanning the IMAX technology to the breaking point, and there is such a cinema near you, it is clear the, you must choose to get the full benefit of the film.

Filmmagasinet – 29. apr. 2018 – at. 21:15 Billion earnings: New blockbuster beats love Star Wars-record

‘Aquaman’ was as a cartoon character born way back in 1941, and in the muscular Jason Momoas figure could be seen in so far three movies as a part of the superhero-slænget the Justice League. But now he has thus got its own movie, and thank you for it.

Not because in any way talk about cutting-edge filmmaking (the director James Wan has in the past been behind bl.,a. ‘Saw’, ’the Night demons’ and ‘Fast & Furious 7′) – but the entertainment value is top notch. Preserved, the Question will probably never in the Oscar race and his female companion Amber Heard will after the bet here, will probably still be best known as Johnny Depp’s ex-wife, just as celebrity guests Nicole Kidman and Willem Dafoe shown the most, because it looks good on the poster.

Reviews – 25. apr. 2018 – at. 07:47 The wildest (redirected ever?

the Story is shame, also to comprehend, although it has something that recalls the political calories in the form of its theme of nature’s revenge on man’s depredations and the principal’s lack of doing anything about the cases. The message that friendship is the way forward, it is also difficult to see quite ratty.

It is thus, that under the sea there are several different secret societies including that of the fabled Atlantis, where Arthur/Aqumans mother (Kidman) comes from, while the father is a human fyrvogter. Where the hero is a hybridvæsen, and therefore it is him that will be the decisive factor, as the sea folks led by Aqumans half-brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) trying to do more or less common front against the humans.

It is, of course, entails a lot of large staged battle scenes – and it is what it is – but where the ‘Aquaman’ in the degree stands out, is through all the literally fantastic worlds and creatures, it leads us through in his no less than 143 minutes of playing time. It is literally breathtaking (or you might call it vandtagende?), and the visual imagination is, quite simply, impressive.

Computerteknikken is gradually reaching a level where almost everything seems to be possible, and the programmer is perhaps the real stars here, but after all, there must also be some to devise the striking visions.

So if you can bear with the slightly silly premise (but that is true of the superhero movies in general), so waiting for one is an enchanting roller coaster, and one of the nicest tegneseriefilmatiseringer ever. And if you are seated during the closing credits, there is a clip in the degree put up to a deuce. I am already looking forward.

Medv.: Jason the Question, Amber Heard, Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe m.fl.