The former british foreign minister, and London mayor, Boris Johnson is the clear favorite to replace prime minister Theresa May – if she loses tonight’s mistillitsvotum, according to an overview from OddsChecker.

Behind follow the previous brexit-minister Dominic Raab and the home secretary Sajid Javid.

Johnson was, among other study-buddy and friend of former prime minister David Cameron. The latter was furious when lysluggen Boris Johnson surprisingly announced his EU opposition a few months before the vote in 2016.

Johnson established himself as one of the biggest profiles in the brexit campaign, and is today popular among the britons who voted for the Uk to say thank you and goodbye to the EU.

Boris – a wandering udiplomatisk scandal Comment – Skilled politician

He was considering to run as a candidate when the aforementioned Cameron resigned as prime minister after brexit-shock in 2016, and now is positioning himself again. Johnson said to the BBC on Sunday that he believes it is possible to negotiate a different agreement with the EUROPEAN union, and ruled out, not that he would challenge the May.

He is an intelligent and skilled politician, who represents the populist stance. It sounds good in so many situation is now. He is strong in the conservative party, but also has many followers out among the people. Johnson is the politician who managed most often pulled out as a possible candidate.

It says Jan Erik Mustad, the united Kingdom-know and a senior lecturer at the University in Agder, to Dagbladet.

FRIENDS: Boris Johnson would have been a brilliant prime minister, said the Us president in the summer. Here are the two pictured together during a UN summit in 2017. Photo: Kevin Lamarque / Reuters / NTB Scanpix Show more – Praised by Trump

Johnson is undoubtedly a man there are shared opinions about. For while he has many supporters, he is at the same time hugely unpopular among voters and politicians who wanted to remain in the EU.

Johnson is “an accident always waiting to happen”, wrote George Eaton, editor of The Amount, a short time before Johnson was finished as secretary of state earlier in the year. Dagbladet commentator Einar Hagvaag believed it was necessary to add: “the Accidents happens constantly”.

Brexit-Boris has offended “half the world”

As secretary of state Johnson has been vehemently criticized and ridiculed for more of their sleivspark. Many have also drawn parallels to the U.s. president Donald Trump.

After the first have been critical of presidential candidate Trump, Johnson has, on several occasions, lately, talked up the current us president.

In a lengthy interview with The Sun in the summer given Trump hard towards May, at the same time that he praised Mays’s foremost rival – the aforementioned Johnson.

– Boris Johnson would have been a brilliant prime minister. I think he has what it takes, ” said Trump, adding that Johnson is a great representative for the united Kingdom.

– it Is possible to imagine a near future where Boris Johnson and Donald Trump leads two of the world’s most powerful countries?

– In this case, goes I the light and leave the room quite quickly. Then I have to find something else to keep on with, joking Mustad.

SECRETARY: the Then foreign minister, Boris Johnson pictured together with the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, prime minister Theresa May and U.s. president Donald Trump during a middagsmøte in the Nato headquarters in Brussels. Photo: Matt Dunham / AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more – No sympathy for Boris

He believes The conservative party will have far greater challenges than today, if they were going to end up with to select Johnson as the new leader.

If Johnson becomes leader, then I think the EU will be steilere and steilere, and will not give anything by the doors. For while the EUROPEAN union has sympathy for May, and the situation she is put in, they have no sympathy for Johnson.

part of the explanation may come from Johnson’s previous statements. Johnson has previously gone far in insult all EU member states.

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph in 2016 he said that in the course of the last two thousand years of european history have been repeated attempts to collect the continent under one government à la the Roman empire.

Napoleon, Hitler, various people have tried this, and it ends tragically. The EU is yet another attempt to get it by the help of other methods.

– Will trap the government – Will fight against with everything I have

After Brexit-victory in 2016, it was expected that Johnson would be a hot candidate for the chairmanship of the conservative party, and thus statsministerposten, but Johnson pulled surprisingly his candidacy. Experts claimed Johnson was dolket in the back of its previous Brexit-mate Michael Gove, in a game that was supposed to ensure the Gove lederjobben.

– I have unfortunately come to the conclusion that Boris can’t stand for the leadership or build the team as needed, wrote Gove in a statement shortly before May took over the power.

Mays options to give Johnson utenriksministerjobben was interpreted as a foray to gather the people after the deeply divisive Brexit-election campaign. A little over two years later, pointing to several british media at the Johnson as a hot candidate to take over after May.

It think Mustad is unlikely.

If Johnson becomes leader, then I believe Labour will promote a vote of confidence against the prime minister, and in turn trap the whole government, ” he says.

however, It is worth noting that the scenario bettingselskapene have the greatest faith in is that the May stand by the storm – and the place retains as party leader and prime minister, according to Yahoo News.

shall be alleged as for the “treason” of partifelle. Now May be finished – Chaotic

As Dagbladet reported on Wednesday morning is the network that has kept the prime minister May floating through the brexit-crisis about to unravel.

May has a long time been squeezed from all sides, and Wednesday and culminated in the last-day drama with the confirmation that the “rebels” in Mays own party promotes a vote of confidence against her.

– This is chaotic, no matter what the solution is, stated the united Kingdom-know, Per Edgar Kokkvold – before a vote will take place was known.

In the morning confirmed namely the leader of the 1922 committee of The conservative party, sir Graham Brady, that he has gathered 48 votes needed to promote a vote of confidence against May. The vote will be held in the evening.

If May loses the vote, it will be triggered a new lederkamp where she’s not allowed to ask.

But she would however win, fredes she in one year, so that no one can challenge her. May have to get support from at least 158 of the konservatives 315 parliamentarians to survive, writes NTB.