Other days will come is a thought-provoking film by the director of barcelona Eduard Cortés narrates the story of a secondary school teacher -mother separated he cares for his ailing father of alzheimer’s disease – that becomes embroiled in a tumultuous relationship over the internet with a minor obsessed with it. Fernando Guillén, who passed away a few years ago, embodies the old man who, in his senility, helpless memory, guide for home between small signs with the name of the things.

A good day, this castaway’s time to plant before the fogged mirror of the bathroom and athens to find out the identity of that stranger looking at you from the glass with the beard soap. In a spark of lucidity, he recognized in the stranger. With pulse, trembling, right to scribble on the moistened glass: “Me!”. What makes fearful that, in a tris-buffered saline, evaporate the face rescued from the well of the lack of memory . When the camera shoots a close up of his face, his tear regains a channel for so many years to dry and the drop tearful slips its way through her arid cheek.

The astonishment of the patient of alzheimer’s disease when your unknown I flash in the mirror is similar to that of many andalusians to flash a majority of the change in the polls this December 2. the For the first time in 40 years of autonomy, this majority did not have to pass inevitably by the until now one-party Government . The PSOE could move to the opposition by not valerle this time crutch any -IU, PA or even Cs in previous legislatures – to stem its progressive decline, after two decades of majority absolute.

When it seemed to govern in Andalusia what is said about Mexico by Jean-François Revel, one of the great intellectuals of the TWENTIETH century, in the sense that in the “perfect dictatorship” of the PRI, loved the thieves of the public and they voted in tribute to the virtuosity that acreditaban in those thefts, the purse , many voters have disengaged from the action corrupting of the power exercised by the PSOE with the help of powerful instruments of propaganda as a Channel South and the projection of the regime andaluz as the best of all possible worlds.

that’s why, if you do not want to betray the votes received or the commitment taken, the PP, and Citizens must forge a Government of change that have set the polls , a time that Susana Díaz has lost the mule plebiscite launched by anticipation of elections that will rid themselves of hail unleashed by Pedro Sanchez with their alliance with populism neocomunista and independence in order to reach The Moncloa with 84 seats out of nothing.

That extreme unction has been judged unacceptable by the community who always voted socialist as any, and it has become almost his last rites. This has made it spill the glass of the patience, with an institutionalized corruption -with two former presidents sitting on the bench during the election campaign-as he was about to spread. No helped nothing the sublime arrogance of a president who learned a lesson so basic, even when it was humiliated in the primaries socialists to want to win under a canopy. In one case, reduced Andalucía Canal Sur; on the other, the PSOE to their barons.

Certainly the Government of a change of PP and Cs, both will mount as the other one under the Presidency of Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, for God has come to see the worst crop of voters of the PP, is feasible only if it adds an unexpected guest. Although it is speculated that Vox would have a seat in the old Hospital of the Five Wounds, their expectations have soared to 12 seats due to the fact call of dispensing primarily by the Diaz trying to fracture the vote of the centre-right, and so once again in the lurch with the possibility of alternation to the south of Despeñaperros.

Vox, which he hesitated in doing so, he was determined to pick up the wear a PP, with a national leader by consolidating, had been left by the way part of your identity , and its principles more genuine in the mandate of Rajoy. To make matters worse, the application to a timid article 155 of the Constitution, when the ex-president no not got another due to the proclamation of the separatist Catalan, and their hesitation without end he reported a prominence added to Vox, to practise with success the particular charges in the lawsuit against the makers of the 1-O.

If we Can gathered the indignant of the economic crisis and of corruption, the Vox has benefited from the failure of the two major national parties face the challenge of independence , next to the reluctance to confront problems out of the public agenda, but in the conversations of the people who live next door to them. Seen with historical perspective, we would say that we are witnessing a return to the political map preconstitucional with the re-establishment populist of the Communist Party of Santiago Carrillo and the Popular Alliance of Manuel Fraga.

it Is true that we Can reject both of the national reconciliation expressed in the exemplary declaration of the PCE in 1956 which laid down the foundations for overcoming the cainismo who devoted himself to the fratricidal Civil War as of the assumption of the two-tone teaches carolina after its legalization in the Holy Saturday Red April 1977. By his side, Vox entails the replacement 3.0 of the AP of Fraga, which was no less emphatic and populist (chickpea plants) that Vox and Abascal for his time.

This regression has been facilitated by the enmohecimiento of the PP that he knew how to reunite all the centre-right with Aznar , but that has left unguarded their flanks right (Vox) and left (Cs). The big difference-which speaks of the retreat from democracy and coexistence at the end of 40 years – is that Pablo Iglesias, thus committing perjury of the Spanish constitution that cemented the communists, then, would not be present by Abascal, as did Carrillo Fraga in the historic conference of October 1977 in madrid’s club TWENTY-first Century. Rather, it would outlaw.

To this reconfiguration of the political map has contributed to the denationalization of the PSOE in the wake of the landing of a Shoemaker and his entente with the rise of nationalism -as formalized in the Pact of the Tinell, 2003 – to build a cordon sanitaire around the PP, so that the right could only return to Government with an absolute majority.

That break with the PSOE Gonzalez worked the birth in Catalonia -where the marriage with the rise of nationalism made to the PSC indistinguishable – and its subsequent extension to the whole of Spain from Cs , favored also by the wishy washy of a PP to which the pragmatism of Rajoy made colorless, odorless and tasteless.

Primarily, Cs, and Vox are the natural children of the lack of reaction to the national problem of the two major parties, paradoxically, national (PSOE and PP, respectively). So he has understood the electorate, as much as their victims do not want to see the background of the matter and prefer to tacharlos of what they wish to vent their frustration.

Even incurs the absurdity of that two socialists antinacionalistas (Valls and Borrell), to be boycotted acts that developed in Barcelona and Brussels by the extreme pro-independence left, look to the other side endorsing the same to the climate allegedly created by a party that has just emerge and that is still to go to seed as Vox. A gross alibi to find its offset with secessionist overtly xenophobic and supremacist group they come from, without refusing to the violence, against the rest of the spaniards as if they were foreigners in their own land.

of course, Vox is a melon by calar in whose bosom can be live as in the AP both those who gave their yes to the Constitution, those who refused, or chose to abstain. However, beyond prejudices and apriorismos, nothing until now disables that their inescapable votes are added to the PP and Cs to empower alternation in Andalusia. Perhaps it is of better nature than Vox the brand andalusian we Can for the socialist party (PSOE fosilice in power for another 40 years, the mode of the PRI mexican, when the leader Advances Andalusia, Teresa Rodriguez, began storming the heavens to participate in the destruction of the historic gate of the Rectorate of the University of Seville in 2002, and called for protests against the outcome of election the same night of the car when you checked your sounded fiasco, after being left 300,000 votes in the bet? A fact unheard of in democratic Spain and clearly imported from overseas.

The reality, however complex, must take care of it. That history raises dilemmas such as the Vox, and that has to be faced, forgetting frentismos that obnubilan the mind and close the reason. In this regard, the great intellectual canadian Michael Ignatieff, in his book Fire and ashes, where biography of his experience in politics, he concludes that it is not possible to take refuge in the moral purity if you want to achieve something, but also not sacrificing any principle.

According to this and based on that politics is the art of the possible, PP and Cs should elucidate the potential trade-off by using a compact three-in which the cardinal points are the own of a democratic system . Nothing to do, obviously, with the sectarianism of some left totalitarian who claims the right of that it lacks to provide patents as a democrat. Without a doubt, that left reactionary has been discovered that labeling is the most comfortable way of not wanting to understand the world.

For both, PP and Cs must adhere to the famous maxim that the commitments oblige: Pacta sunt servanda, and more when they contract openly with the electoral body. A PP that walketh trying to recover the lost prestige, and a Cs that can’t afford to lose it, if you do not want to stay in the middle of his career, need to do an exercise in maturity for Andalusia ande and look really .

Thanks to this, breaking a dynamic of years of routine in which it had become customary to vote for the PSOE, other days will come to Andalusia, once a majority of its citizens have written me with your ballot, in recognition of back to themselves, like the elderly, amnesiac movie from Eduard Cortés. the Case they don’t make the required step forward, Andalusia would be the tomb of the centre-right , as it was for the UCD call a referendum, autonomous 28-F of 1980 to abstain. That education should not forget.

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