the Police are massively present in the Inner City in Copenhagen, after a major brawl broke out shortly after noon. 22 Wednesday.

– There are two groups of football fans, there are up to contend, then we are present with everything we have.

– How many fans are we talking about?

– There are many, and it is all I can say right now, said Henrik Stormer, vagtchef by the Copenhagen Police to Ekstra Bladet 22.20.

It turned out to be a fight between 40 to 50 man that had broken out in front of a hotel in Adelgade.

– We get the message about a large fight at. 22.11, and there is a part of football fans from Bordeaux in the area (around Adelgade, ed.). So it seems, that a counterparty have found out that they lived on it and are taken there for a confrontation, says Kristian Rohdin, vagtchef by the Copenhagen Police, to Ekstra Bladet. 23.

According to the vagtchefen, there are no reports that anyone should be hurt in masseslagsmålet.

– We are massively present in the area to provide security for both the football fans, but also for the citizens in the area. As far as we know, nobody hurt, but one could well imagine that there was a mørketal, says vagtchefen, who will not comment on the grouping the police believe that the said ‘counterpart’ to the Bordeaux fans belong to.

Esben Bech live on Gothersgade close to Adelgade, and he heard a sudden loud bang around noon. 22.

– I hear some high bang as fireworks, or if some very large metal plates that fall over. From my window I can see a group of young men in black hoodies, who stands at Posterland store. Shortly after going there four police cars at Gothersgade with the ground. The two of them running down the Adelgade and two runs down to Nyhavn, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

At 22.35 is the young men do not, however, to see from the apartment on the Gothersgade, he says.

– Right now, it is quiet, and I have seen a police car outside the ground run in the direction of Nørreport, says Esben Bech, who has not seen someone dressed in soccer jerseys.

Thursday play FCK and Bordeaux in the Europa League, and there are no arrested in connection with the slåskampen, tells Henrik Rohdin.