“So, you will be with klädesmal”
“do you Have problems with small holes in the clothes? nDå they may have been affected by klädesmal. nSå here, you can get rid of the moth in the closet. “
“Have you seen the small yellow or gray butterflies at home? In this case you may have gotten into klädesmal or pälsmal in the house. The small butterflies have between 12 and 14 mm between the wing tips and their larvae can do considerable damage to clothing and other textiles. “
“the Natural materials particularly vulnerable”
“The 10 mm long larva attacking in the first place natural materials such as wool, fur, or feathers, but they may also attack the materials from the plant kingdom. Synthetic materials can often manage away the insidious larva, but keep an extra eye on the garment made of blended materials, if they become soiled can also become infected.”
“the Butterflies lay hundreds of small bright eggs in clothing, rugs and furs. The eggs are difficult to detect and once they hatch, the spinner larva a tube of spinntråd and avgnagt material from the textiles it sits on. It may take as long as a year before the egg becomes a butterfly. Ground thrive best at room temperature. “
“the Biggest risk for mal is if you take home old textiles, was extra careful with heirlooms, or if you buy clothes and furniture second hand. Also, be sure to only store clean clothes in the closet – the larva can feed on old food scraps.”
“So this gets you by with the ground.”