Even if the negotiations at the climate summit have been made during the first week, there is still more to resolve than the required for the ministers on Tuesday to take over the responsibility. The negotiations have been going on the last for to get as far as possible.

” The concern is that the list of questions submitted is very long and includes very technical parts that must be solved. There have been attempts in the night to find formulations and solutions. The negotiations yesterday was a little optimistic, today it was not as positive, ” says minister of the environment, Karolina Skog (MP).

Countries are afraid to let go of their positions and start to move in order to find compromises.

the stumbling blocks in the negotiations is the financing. The importance that the funding issue is resolved, emphasised the UN secretary-general António Guterres, in his opening speech. Developing countries have been promised funds for their climate work, and they want assurances that the funding is available.

the Goal has been set that by 2020 at least 100 billion dollars per year is supplied in assistance and loans in order to meet the climate change in poor countries. To date, is the sum only up in just over half, 55 billion dollars, according to the OECD.

Developing countries are concerned, not least after the U.S. should pull out of the paris agreement, and want guarantees that the money will. The pressure has increased on other rich countries to step up and promise assistance.

Ahead of the meeting in Katowice, has, among others, the world Bank, Germany and Norway pledged to increase its efforts.

announced in Sweden that they are giving 50 million each to the global climate fund and global environment facility. The money was allocated already in the vårändringsbudgeten. A further 200 million are folded in the budget that the transitional government put forward on Wednesday. But because in the current state is uncertain how it goes, the total is not able to be published in Katowice.

– the Advertising of money is extremely important in order to overcome the förtroendegap available and instead, build trust and create a readiness to act. But as the transitional government is our scope to negotiate is limited, it means that we can not promise anything now, ” says Karolina Skog.

is that the text that came in as a basis for the meeting has been shortened significantly, close to two-thirds, during the first week when the experts negotiated.

– The text we have now is clearer. We in the Swedish delegation feels that the text contains everything that we believe ought to be there, ” says Roger Sedin, vice’s head of negotiations for Sweden.

– the Idea was that the technical issues would be resolved in a higher degree. This applies in particular to information on emissions reductions, where is it going very slow.

on Tuesday, the ministers of the so-called Talanoadialogen, the name and the shape was introduced by Fiji during their presidency. It is not a negotiation, but based on conversations and inlyssnande where countries share their experience and knowledge. Within the dialogue there are also discussions that the countries must increase their ambition over time, a question that Sweden’s priority.

Expectations are that the dialogue will confirm the message from the IPCC report about a transformation in society is urgent, and that all parts of society should be included, ” says Karolina Skog.

the topics of conversation the last few days in Katowice has been to saudi Arabia, Russia, Kuwait and the united states, unlike all the other countries opposed to the IPCC report would formally ”welcomed” in the UN documentation, they wanted instead to use the word ”noted”. Because the decision to be taken in the consensus of the ministers to resolve the issue.

” We were surprised and angry. The IPCC report is commissioned to create a basis for talanoadialogen and it is a basis for the work. But their actions affect not that we use the result in the report and nor does it affect the rulebook, ” says Karolina Skog.