Showbiz Ingeborg is celebrating the holiday season this year for the first time without her mother. ‘Mother’, like the woman by the singer was called, died a half years ago. “She was fond of Christmas”, it sounds in the Story.

The mother passed away earlier this year at the age of 84. “Her body was in,” says the ‘Gratitude’-singer in the Story. “A brain hemorrhage on her fiftieth, a heart attack around her sixtieth, diabetes, two heavy hip fractures… Dad also had vascular dementia, but that went very slowly. She had many bright moments.”

Tine, such as ‘dad’ hot, ended up with pneumonia in the hospital. “She was crying from the pain. It was a difficult balancing act: to suffer pain or painkillers to give so they are not bright anymore could think of? When she is with the palliative care started, gave the doctors give her even three days, but after an hour she was already gone. The candle went out.”