drug deaths are a serious public health problem in Norway and we have long been overdosetoppen in Europe. Now shows the new numbers from the dødsårsaksregisteret that the number has gone down.

In 2017, it was 43 narkotikautløste deaths in Oslo, and it is the lowest number in over 20 years, apart from 2007 when it was the same number, writes the Norwegian institute of public health.

– It is very gratifying. It is a sign that the overdosestrategien has worked in Oslo, says Martin Blindheim, head of the national overdosestrategi and senior adviser at the Norwegian directorate of Health, working to reduce overdose deaths occur.

Oslo has long been at the top of the number of overdose fatalities in Norway. Right after coming to Bergen, where it also has gone down.

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– There is a 13 per cent decline in the rest of Norway. It is very good that there is a decline, but we need more down, ” says Blindheim.

He believes it is important to emphasize that Norway still has a serious overdose-challenge and we are still at the top in the Nordic region.

But in contrast to other countries, so goes the number down, ” says Blindheim.

the Reason why Norway has so many overdose deaths is because there is a large injecting drug use, in contrast to other countries that use other ways to take drugs, believe Blindheim.

Heroin is no longer the most frequent cause of overdose deaths. Instead, there is now strong painkillers such as morphine, codeine and oxykodon which is the most common cause, according to folkehelseinstituttets dødsårsaksregister.

Need to think long-term

the Parliament has now passed to make a new overdosestrategi for 2019 to 2022. It think Blindheim is a very good idea.

– We believe that is a good idea to think long-term to come down to a level where we are approaching the european average.

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