There came the gravy with.

How does it sound in an epic video, which in recent days has gone viral here in denmark. Here is Stig Tøfting, Peter Graulund and Camilla Martin in the studio in connection with the superligadækningen on 3+, since the former suddenly turns a not only loud – but also incredibly long fart.

– By you, before you turn it, that it is so long, skraldgriner Camilla Martin, there appears a third aghast, one-third finished of laughing and a third impressed.

the Clip has quickly become the most viewed Facebook-clip on TV3 Sport ever, and it is at the time of writing watched more than a million times. Furthermore, German media such as Bild and RTL written about the former fodboldspillers performance.

The same, the media in the Uk and Greece, and TV3 informs to Ekstra Bladet, that there has been the chinese who have asked for permission to bring the video.

In the eye of the hurricane is Stig Tøfting. The man with the most talked about gut flora.

I had not thought that it was it, you had to go viral on the, he laughs, as the Extra Blade catches him over the phone.

In his football career he represented clubs such as Hamburger SV, Duisburg, and Bolton Wanderers. This, he believes, is a contributory cause, that the clip has started to go viral.

– It also illustrates just that people will have a laugh. I also can’t even help but laugh when I see it. One thing is the bastard, that is being beaten, but talking and laughing the three of us from is also a big part of it. Everyone loves to get a laugh, and it gets you there. We could not let be, he explains.

– What do you think about that clip is seen over a million times?

Perhaps they would give me a penny per. click, sound it quickly from Tøfting.

In the video comments on Camilla Martin several times the duration of the infamous fart, and it was also behind on fisens owner.

Ha Ha, I also say yourself in the video, that I did not know it would be so long. It is also what makes that clip is so funny. It surprised us all. It is the whole sketch, or what to call it. It surprised us all.