Lier At social grocery ’t Hofke along the Maasfortbaan in Lier has the Wednesday afternoon burned. The store for people who are in financial trouble, ran very much damage. For the organisation, where every week hundreds of families come over, the fire for quite a lot of problems.

The fire was noticed at around 12.30 noon. At that time, was the organization in the kitchen of the social restaurant next to ’t Hofke is busy with the preparations of the daily lunch. In addition to what staff were also the first eaters already present in the restaurant. Suddenly noticed one of them a smoke in ’t Hofke. “Then would go and noticed when a fire at the height of a lamp”, says the responsible. “There is then still tried to make the fire itself extinguished with the fire extinguisher in one of the cars in the neighborhood were parked but there was no start. The fire was located in a very short time is suddenly very hard to spread.”


The temperature in the grocery store was by the sea of flames too hot, through the smoke one could hardly still something to see. In the meantime the emergency services already notified. Who came flocking to the spot. The local police closed the lane to ’t Hofke, the firefighters of Hulpverleningszone Rivierenland started with the bluswerken. It was upon their arrival to a fire. The restaurant next door was hastily evacuated. “There was the fire, no one injured”, confirms Magalie Derboven of the police zone Lier. “The fire was also accompanied with a heavy smoke. There was asked to be the windows and doors closed to keep. Local residents who have been bothered had their ventilation system off.”