“Lövin: the World situation has deteriorated”

“Work to get a good result at the UN climate conference in Katowice in Poland continue to be sluggish. According to the Swedish klimatminister Isabella Lövin (MP), this is due largely to the global economic situation has deteriorated since 2015, when states could not agree on the paris agreement.”

” The general feeling is that the lawsuits now are not the same as 2015. It is a less constructive sense in the world today – an effect of the regime change in many countries, ” she says.”

“Lövin has been commissioned by the Polish presidency, together with Costa Rica’s representative to try to facilitate talks on how to in the closing credits to refer both to 1.5-gradersmålet and, secondly, how countries will be able to raise their level of ambition in order to bring down greenhouse gas emissions.”

“One problem that revealed itself is that you are not able to agree on how to refer to the new report from the UN intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). The report stated that an increase of 1.5 degrees is far less serious than an increase of 2 degrees.”

“This has not been well received by a number of countries, such as saudi Arabia – which has long acted as stumbling block in the klimatsammanhang.”

“– the Question is whether one should have a formulation where the countries ”

“She is pessimistic about the possible end result:”

“– Unfortunately, it’s probably not to reach a result which welcomes the report, ” she says.”

“Earlier on Wednesday spoke Lövin, Sweden’s behalf at the opening of the high-level segment of the meeting. She pointed to Sweden as a proof that global climate change can be averted.”

“Lövin emphasised Sweden”

“She also said that Sweden’s economy has grown substantially – while Swedish emissions have declined by 25 percent since 1990.”

“– A transition to a society without fossil fuels will open up for new investment, jobs and better life potentials, said Lövin (MP).”

“She appealed in her speech to all countries not to wait any longer to act.”

“– It is needed here in Katowice is a decision on a robust, detailed, clear and long-term rulebook that will get the paris agreement to work. A rule book that gives us a comparable and predictable environment, and which makes it possible to raise the ambitions of the time.”

“the UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres also held a speech. He regretted that the work will continue to be sluggish.”

“– The crucial issues are still unresolved. But if we fail here in Katowice, it would send a devastating signal,” he said.”

“In december 2015 in Paris took the world’s leaders decided on a new climate deal. The main points of the agreement:

“– global warming shall be limited to – ”

“– Efforts should be made to reach 1.5 degrees.”

“– global emissions of greenhouse gases have reached their highest level, ”

“– Net emissions will be zero during the second half of the century.”

“Countries’ national climate plans ‘ shall be updated every five years from 2020.”