I completely agree with SV in that avskiltingen of experienced teachers is bad spending, ” says Utdanningsforbundets Steffen Handal to the Newspaper.


But as long as these competence requirements consists are we going to have to have a scheme which gives teachers the offers of continuing education.

Cut 500 million

In its alternative budget for 2019 proposes A to cut a half a billion dollars in continuing education and training to the teachers.

would Thus fewer teachers had the opportunity to etterutdanningen they need to be allowed to teach after 2024.

Right måper of A-cut.

– It is absolutely amazing that the old skolepartiet SV will deprive so many students the opportunity to get even better teachers. And the worst part is that they can’t argue why, ” says Mathilde Tybring-gjedde (H) to Dagbladet.

I think the SV simply had to move 500 million to get the budget to go up, and then they find up the arguments in retrospect. It is junk skolepolitikk.

Avskiltede teachers and madness

In 2024 have thousands of teachers take for continuing education and training to be allowed to teach.

Those who do not, are not allowed to teach more – they are “avskiltet”.

This is because the Parliament in the 2015 adopted new competency requirements for teachers who received a retroactive effect. SV is towards providing the requirements retroactive. And therefore, the party has provided less money for the state to sponsor teachers to take education as needed.

the Results A add up to is not especially lucky, according to the teachers ‘own trade unions:

– It would be pure madness to send well-qualified teachers by the thousands out of school, when we know that we are standing in front of a big challenge with lærerrekruttering,” says Steffen Handal in It.

– the Scheme of continuing education and training works well, without orders to take it. Thus helps it to more expertise in lærerkorpset, he adds.

In the last year received over 7,000 teachers granted the application for further and higher education. Many got no on the application. If the socialist left cuts are real, over 2000 fewer teachers to get further education next year than in 2018.

Ap stopped the investigation of the Raymonds “acquittal” of the Inga Marte: – Neither decent or credible Lærermangel

Mona Fagerås (SV) are even in danger of becoming a avskiltet teacher if she is not taking continuing education in 2024. She is the party’s educational policy spokesperson and member of parliament.

– instead of forcing experienced and skilled teachers to take continuing education, so we will use the money to recruit more teachers. We do not want to avskilte all the good teachers by giving the formal requirements the government imposes a retroactive effect, ” says Fagerås.

– And then stand well A in danger of creating more avskiltede teachers, the opposite of what you want?

– To suggest a cut of the funds of the raising, is not that we are opposed to kompetansehevning. But it is to show disagreement with the government on two fronts. Number one: That the government spends large sums on the improvement of the teachers, who do not want it or need it. And that, with the bourgeois government so has the number of unqualified teachers increased by 40 per cent. It is something A want to away from the and then use it not to avskilte a lot of teachers because they lack a few credits in math, answers Fagerås.

– But it helps well on the competence of a teacher to take more education? D a’s is a bit of the point with these schools, to make people better.

1800 applicants did not enter in lærerstudiet in the last year because they had 4’s in math. And many of them would not teach in math! Norway has lærermangel, and the worse it will be with the policy this government leads.

Salaries, not continuing education

Fagerås says she supports the desire to get more talented teachers to apply for teacher training, and brings up a slightly unusual A-weapon in such a way: the checkbook.

According to the government own calculations does it cost nok 7.6 billion to videreutdanne the avskiltede teachers. If you had taken half of that money, could all of the teachers received nok 100 000 in salary increase. It would also have helped to attract talented people, ” she says.

– A SV-is that talking about money as motivation in the school. Now is not the world for easter?

– of Course, salary is a significant factor. Teachers work hard and do an important job. Salaries, like many other terms, is important. At the same time, we see that 16 percent of newly graduated teachers stop after a few years because of the “practice shock”, so the salary is not the whole solution.

the New alert in the Søgnen-the case related to Raymond Johansen