Making the enquiry Frida: Why I left Simon in the ”Farmer seeks wife”

Frida why she contacted Simon Ohlsson: ”I am ashamed”

Linda Lindorff has described it as ”the most brutal dumping” she’s been through in his entire life.

Now, says making the enquiry Frida on why she never showed up to the kärleksresan with farmer Simon.

– the Same day as the trip so it was completely black, ” she says.

Mjölkbonden Simon Ohlsson, 26, found the love in making the enquiry Frida, 21 in this year’s ”Farmer seeks wife”. It was in all cases what he thought.

After she left the recording was heard they only sporadically. And when Simon later went to the airport to go on a couple’s love to travel to Rhodes appeared Frida never up. Both Simon and the production was trying to reach her, but without result.

Frida, is today remorseful over his actions.

– the Same day as the trip so it was completely black. I could not. I was not even mature enough to answer the phone and say: ”No, unfortunately I can’t”. I lost everything. It became too much, I think, ” she says to Nöjesbladet.

”I was paralysed”

making the enquiry tells us that the feelings of the farmer disappeared as soon as she arrived home from filming.

– the Same moment that I stepped through the door, it was like everything I had known was gone, that it flowed out of me. I thought it might go over, it may just be that I have just been on a tv-recording, where everything was intensely in two weeks. I sleep on it, and still felt nothing. There were no kärlekskänslor left. I felt nothing for Simon at all, ” says Frida.

the Idea was that Frida would celebrate midsummer on the island of Öland, along with Simon, something that never happened. She tells him that they talked on the phone two, three times after the recording. When it was time for the trip, she dared not tell about their feelings.

” I was kind of paralyzed when it all came down to it. I dared not answer the phone.

what do you think now, afterwards, you ought to have acted differently?

– Now, I am ashamed. Of course, I should have acted differently. I should have answered your phone, ” she says.

She tells us that she’s always been bad at explaining from the beginning how she feels.

” I could have done it in a much better way. I could have been more adult. But done is done. I can’t go back and change something.

How is it to experience it all again?

” I don’t really know what you ought to know. I’m glad I took the chance. Then that, unfortunately, it did not work… You can’t control over the emotions.

”I have found the love of my life”

Already in the last week’s program hintades it that Frida would leave Simon. And the reactions have been many.

” People are jättearga on me. But the problem is that they only see what is happening in the tv. They look through a tv box, and not everything that has happened behind the cameras. The only thing they know is what they see, then they know nothing else.

it Is the things that are happening outside the camera you think would be able to show why there was some emotion?

Frida has today gone ahead and is nyförälskad.

” I have found the love of my life. It happened fairly recently. It is quite new still. We have known each other for a good while, we have been friends a long time, but then it developed into something more.

She has no plans to make contact with Simon again.

But if you would like to say something to Simon, what would you say then?

” I hope he will find someone and become happy with that person.