Wolfgang Schäuble himself has to smile quietly, but the President of the Bundestag, the stern class teacher: “demand!” raunzt he the Deputy. “Micro!” The Green around and fiddles with the button for your course-in microphone. Time is a question at the Wednesday lunch. For the second Time, since it was agreed in the coalition agreement, the Chancellor of the Parliament. The hour is short, the rules are strict: 60 seconds per question and answer, 30 seconds for each demand and a second response. The demand there was not at the Premiere. But both sides are practicing.

Angela Merkel has the first five minutes alone. She uses them to in front of the Brexit special summit on Thursday to hammer a stake firmly: “We have no intention to change the withdrawal agreement.” We are the 27 States that want to remain in the EU.

The Opposition simulates importance

In the question round of a Schema is then rapidly: The government parties to ask questions of limited importance to the Opposition, they simulate often just. A AfD-man explains to the yellow West-protests in France to the Anti – EU Demonstration: “Take note that the people running in front of these Macron-Merkel-dystopia?!”

Merkel, but only to note that it was right that Europe should continue to fight for its prosperity – “but not by such a polemic”. The right-wing party gives you this time nothing. As the next AfDler claimed that Germany was isolated with the Yes to UN-migration Pact in Europe, “of”, straightening Merkel: The majority of EU States. “We want to count?”

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survey of the Chancellor “As a physicist, for me, the Numbers really the truth”

Max Kuball

Only Heike Hansel can take away from the hour a point. The Left-the Deputy has complained that defence firms like Rheinmetall could handle through their foreign subsidiaries thanks to a loophole in the law, the weapons Embargo against Saudi Arabia. Merkel from teeming first on a General level. But as Hansel persists, promises the head of government, this matter be considered again in more detail.