The 29-year-old suspected terrorist bomber Chérif C. has already been repeatedly convicted in France, Germany and Switzerland. In Switzerland, he has been repeatedly delinquent and eventually received, in Basel, a custodial sentence of 18 months. “20 minutes” is the indictment of 12. October 2012. From this it is apparent that C. on 13. April 2012 the Prosecutor of Bern-etching already to a conditional fine of 70 Tags to 20 francs, was sentenced. Here you will find a listing of his in the indictment stated did.

March, 2012 Attempted theft and damage to property in a residential – and business house in the city of Basel. Here, the offender caused to a front door of the business house, with a damage of around 2000 Swiss francs. Damage to property and trespassing, to the detriment of a medical practice in Basel: The Penetration caused C. damages in the amount of approximately 900 Swiss francs. Finally, he stole cash to the value of almost 170 francs. Damage to property and trespassing in a Restaurant in the train: Via the toilet window of the suspected assassin had entered the Restaurant. In the Interior of the restaurant he broke into the office premises of the safe, and stole nearly 5000 Swiss franc cash. In addition, C. caused a damage of exactly 4600 francs.

April 2012 Attempted theft, light damage to property and trespassing, to the detriment of the music-orchestra in Basel: Probably with a hitherto unknown accomplice of the suspected Terrorist broke late in the Evening on the orchestra belonging to the premises. A property damage of nearly 3,000 Swiss francs. Finally, he managed to steal cash to the value of 20’000 Swiss francs. Attempted theft and damage to property in Basel: The Penetration in the office space of a building in the city of Basel caused C. property damage to a total value of around 2’000 Swiss francs. Cash he could steal, finally, none.

July 2012 assaults, attempted theft, damage to property and trespassing in Gossau (SG): Together with an unknown accomplice in the murder of the alleged assassin came through an opened bathroom window in the apartment of a private person. The two caused a property damage of 500 francs. The injured private person caught the perpetrator in the act. When she tried, the accomplices, the injured C. the Person easily. Theft, damage to property and trespassing in a Hotel in Uzwil (SG): less than an hour after the first offence the offender acquired access to a Hotel in Uzwil (SG). A property damage of around 500 francs. More succeeded C. cash in the amount of just under 9000 francs to steal.

August 2012 of theft and trespassing, to the detriment of a hotel in Winterthur (ZH): Also in the company of an unidentified remaining Mittäters succeeded to the presumed Terrorist is in a Hotel in Winterthur translated well to 20’000 Swiss francs to call. Unlawful entry and forgery of certificates: The Accused was as a passenger in a car from France without a recognised identity document in Switzerland entered the country. When he was arrested a day later by the Zurich police, showed C. the officials have a French identity card, which is not belonged to him. So he wanted to hide his true identity.

Taken from “20 minutes”, edited by (TA)

Created: 12.12.2018, 21:09 PM