The Grand coalition wants to maintain the controversial ban on advertising for abortion, but to Supplement it. So in future is to be ensured, the manner in which Doctors and hospitals over abortion must inform.

The dispute Clause 219a has the Grand coalition for weeks. Now the Union and the SPD have agreed on the so-called ban on the advertising of pregnancy to reform crashes. Chancellery Minister Helge Braun said after several hours of deliberations of the competent Federal Minister, a revision of the legislation should specify that, and how Doctors and hospitals may in the future inform you that you perform abortions. Advertising is not allowed, but also in the future.

The Federal chamber of physicians and the Federal centre for health education should be given the task to provide contact information for those Affected. The goal is to create more legal certainty for Doctors and hospitals, said in the statement, the Federal Minister of the interior and minister Horst Seehofer, Katarina Barley, Jens Spahn, Franziska Giffey, and Helge Braun.