“Already now we know that we will not reach a conclusion as to where the meeting will ”welcome” the report, which says the countries are too far from each other,” says Isabella Lövin.

” this has raised very much the emotions of island states and many others, so it will be a difficult task to find a language, a landing place, where we can get with all of us.

the big five saudi Arabia, USA, Kuwait and Russia in Saturday opposed to the climate summit in the official papers would ”welcome” the report of the UN intergovernmental panel on climate change about what 1.5 degrees warming will bring has brought a lot of emotions and great agitation at the climate conference in Katowice.

”take note” of the report. Because decisions must be taken in consensus, it will be up to the ministers who now takes over in the negotiations to resolve the sensitive issue.

On Wednesday received the Isabella Lövin, together with Costa Rican environment minister Carlos Rodriguez mission to find a formulation that the nearly 200 countries on the site can agree on. Included in this mission is also to find a form to refer to the conversations which aims to raise the level of ambition.

Sweden has a solid, good confidence not least in the developing world, now shall we try to manage that trust by trying to find a language to get over this very sensitive and difficult situation we find ourselves in.

– not To find a formulation would be a failure and very bad for negotiations, ” says Isabella Lövin.