At 08 in the day, finance minister Siv Jensen (Frp) until the key figures in the government’s proposal to budget for 2019.

the Government proposes to use 231,2 billion oljepenger. It is equivalent to 2.7 per cent of its oil wealth, and is roughly on a par with the previous year.

In the proposed budget for the current year suggested the government to use 231 billion oljekroner, which was a new Norwegian record, and aroused sharp reactions on this time last year.

Praise from the opposition

The biggest parties in the opposition say, pleasantly surprised that Siv Jensen has not thrown more oljemilliarder into the state budget.

Predicts more job and full speed in the economy: Will use 231,2 billion oljekroner

– It could have been much worse. We have criticized the government for oljepengebruken in every budget, but this year, there are hardly here our biggest criticism comes. It is positive that the government do not collect more than the 231 billion from its oil wealth. So it must be added that this government has spent too much oljepenger earlier, ” says Kari Elisabeth Kaski, fiscal spokesperson of SV.

Also the Labour party’s Rigmor Aasrud is satisfied, and reviews oljepengebruken as “reasonable”. The chief economist of the confederation of Norwegian enterprise, Øystein Dørum.

– the Use of oljepenger is as expected. We end up well at about the same level as the current year, ” says Senterparti leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum to the Newspaper.

BUDGET: Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre came with their expectations to the state budget. It is associated with great excitement to what the Sector has got into your budget. Støre believes the family-friendly party could have gained to much of what they have achieved together with the government the last few years, also along with the Labour party. Reporter: Hegelstad Eiendomsselskap Arvid B. Hegelstad Mogen. Video: Nicolai… Show more KrF-caramels

The budget will be presented at 10, and it is associated with a lot of excitement to how many billions the government will find out to tempt the Better to be on the civil side.

KrF-deputy chairman Kjell Britain Ropstad is clear on what party his requires when the government’s proposals for the national budget is presented.

EXCITING: Monday 8. October adds finance minister Siv Jensen forward the government’s proposal for next year’s national budget. With a støtteparti as may replace page, an american president who requires more spending on defence and an opposition who have announced possible distrust on the basis of lack of objektsikring, this year’s government budget be a skjebnebu… Show more

child poverty and a declining fødselsrate must be addressed. We hope for increased aid and measures to facilitate that the couple can get the third child, if they want it, then. We need that the government spends money on policies that do that few can get as many kids they want. Family must be an important keyword in the budget, he told Dagbladet on Sunday evening.

In its alternative budget usually Progress to add up to a lower oljepengebruk than the government.

2. november keeps Better its extraordinary items in order to clarify the samarbeidsposisjonen forward. If Ropstad get the will its remain party at Erna’s read.

Rigmor Aasrud, fiscal spokesperson of the Labour party, reject the opposite Dagbladet that the Labour party is going to take the subject to the anticipation of the KrFs choices.

– We are going to work with our budget as before. If something should happen 2. november that we must take a stand to, so we do it then. Currently, we think not on the Progress or on the to ensure our alternative budget, ” says Aasrud to Dagbladet on Sunday evening.

– Will have a lower sukkeravgift, but not for juices and soft drinks