The EU-followers: May have been crazy of brexit

A politician, a protester and a journalist have come to a stop a few metres from each other outside the parliament in London.

Three britons who speaks about brexit and the prime minister, Theresa May – a peremptorily, a pleading and resigned.

Diagonally across the street from the houses of parliament in central London has a fenced pressområde built up on a lawn. A long series of sändningsbussar parked outside and on the inside, the tent is set up, and raised platforms have been built with a view of the parliament building.

A hundred journalists moves in the media centre, and everywhere is going on live broadcasts in radio and tv. Several well-dressed parliamentarians is moving free in the muddy field, going from interview to interview. As the conservative Andrew Bridge, one of the politicians who is behind the requirement of a vote of confidence against the prime minister, Theresa May.

” I do not think that the prime minister has the ability to renegotiate the agreement with the EU. In weeks she has said that this is the best possible agreement that she could get to, ” he says to TT’s envoy.

Despite the uncertainty, he is confident that the Uk will leave the EU as planned next year.

– Brexit will get rid of. We leave the EU on 29 march, if it is not decided otherwise in parliament, which I do not believe.

On the other side of the fence that runs around the general area of press publications is 68-year-old Barry Freeman from Dorset and hope that Andrew Bridge has errors.

” We have a choice. We can stop brexit in the morning, ” he says.

Freeman waving a large british flag. He is one of less than ten persistent protesters who defy the drizzle to protest against the EU-exit. In the rush on the street outside the parliament, it becomes particularly clear how the microscopic get they are in a city the size of London.

” It costs so much money. Outrageous amounts of money. The whole thing is madness, ” says Freeman about the brexit.

Like the Bridge he wants to kick Theresa May from the post of prime minister.

” If I’m going to be honest, I think that she is becoming a little crazy. She reiterates itself time and time again, she has no ideas, she has had three brexitministrar and after 2.5 years they have nothing. They have got an agreement that no one likes. Not we who want to remain in the EU, not those who want to leave, ” he says.

– I would like to see a parliamentary election and a labour Government, or a coalition with the Labour party. But not with the conservatives.

Inside, on the pressområdets lawn is the BBC producer Molly Guinness and trying to find out what’s going to happen with Theresa May.

“According to that which is said outwardly it seems as if she will pass the vote,” she says.

But after several years in the industry know Molly Guinness that she must take the data with a bucket of salt.

” I have heard a lot of different opinions about what is going to happen now. I have just heard a senior member of parliament to say \

the Guinness book of notes despondently that it is not easy to be a journalist in brexittider.

“Someone said in our program yesterday that the only ones who know what is going on is God, and people who lie,” she says.