Lööf budgetsvek – a crushing blow to the environment

Isabella Lövin: Budget (C) release the forward is bleak reading for all who want to solve the climate crisis

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. Tuesday won in Sweden once again to world CHAMPIONSHIP gold in climate policy. We defended last year’s first place when the world’s environmental movements ranks the world’s governments on the basis of their climate policy, but this time with a clear difference, the distance to the second placed rose.

today voted to parliament on the budget, which shall be valid for the next year. The party that appointed itself to the Alliance’s green vote released until the Conservatives and the christian democrat crushing blow to the entire Miljösverige. For all the environmentalists, it is a pitch-black reader with chapter after chapter of job cuts at climate – and environmental policy.

the Centre is now carrying out a betrayal of all those who want Sweden to continue to show the world that it is actually possible to solve the climate crisis.

the List can, unfortunately, be made even longer, this was just a few examples. In total there will be cuts of 2 billion on climate and the environment.

Right now, I am in Katowice, Poland, where countries of the world gathered for the climate summit. During the last days we shall agree on how, together, we will deal with the enormous threats that we face. Then, it is crucial that the countries sitting around the negotiating table are credible, that you can show that you yourself take responsibility for reducing emissions at home.

I have already received questions about what the coalition agreement will mean for if Sweden is to continue to lead the development of climate policy.

It is now everything is at stake. When the united states and Brazil, threatens to leave the paris agreement is needed the EU more than ever. And Sweden in the EUROPEAN union that we shall have a klimatledarskap in the world.

Sweden’s credibility is based entirely on the fact that we can deliver at home. The conservatives and christian democrat budget means that Sweden’s credibility is weakening. That during the height of the crisis make it cheaper to drop out is not something that impresses the other countries.

all Around the world and keeps people at the gathering to demand that we act, not least children and young people. It is their future we’re talking about. The conservative parties, the carefree attitude to climate change will not be a proud chapter in the future history books.

the Challenge as we gathered to meet in Katowice is a proof that the climate is not just a national issue. The world needs an offensive american klimatregering that can show the way for the entire world, this I get told all the time by my colleagues.

Unfortunately, it seems that not the Moderates and the Christian democrats share the insight.

\nIsabella Lövin, and the voice of klimatminister (MP)

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