For the past three years, the Bundestag will examine the administration, whether the AfD received illegal campaign assistance. A NDR WDR and “SZ” this SMS to the former party boss Petry reinforces this suspicion.

the AfD, for example in their choice to fight in 2017 from illegal party donations benefit? This suspicion of the Bundestag administration is according to own data for the past three years and has a club in his sights, and has supported the party for 2016, and with the free electoral advertising.

Multiple phone messages, the NDR, WDR and “süddeutsche Zeitung” is available, nourish the suspicion of a collusive behaviour.

A former Focus editor, Michael Klonovsky at an event in October of this year in Dresden.

an urgent conversation

at the beginning of 2017 send Michael Klonovsky, at that time adviser of the party leader Frauke Petry, multiple SMS to his Boss and asks you for an urgent conversation between her and the advertising space marketer Ströer asked.

In the case of Ströer has the AfD since 2016 regular advertising rented space for posters. Also in the case of Ströer also the ominous “Association for the rule of law and civil liberties”, has financed million-dollar campaigns in favour of the AfD posted. The club claims to be of the party and its campaigns, not with the AfD.

Via SMS Petry ask your Advisor Klonovsky, to what it’s supposed to go in this conversation with Ströer. It Klonovsky responds: “He (the Ströer Manager, d. ed.) want to clear up a misunderstanding and to explain something. The coordination of the noble donors from the South with the campaigns here.”