the Afternoon of Tuesday 6. november was Dante Adolfsson reported missing in Falkenberg in the southwest of Sweden. Dante had downs syndrome and had been on a trip with his dog. When the dog came back without the boy, struck the family alarm.

a Short time after, it was set in a comprehensive search group consisting. Law enforcement, military, search and rescue service and thousands of volunteers facilitate the day and night in hopes of finding the missing boy alive – a record number, according to police.

Friday the same week, the enlightened police that a dead person was found at a power station in the outskirts of Falkenberg.

on the Monday after the confirmed the police that the dead person was Dante.

He died, probably by drowning. We suspect that it has happened something criminal, enlightened the police, according to Aftonbladet.

Bottomless sorrow

dante’s dad, Sven Adolfsson, expressed his despair along the way in leteaksjonen. Shortly after his son was found and identified, he shared his bottomless grief on Facebook.

– I am broken and will never be whole again. Today I got no drawing on farsdagen or a package with something he had made in sløyden. Dante loved to give, more than to get. He was really happy when he got to give away something. You have no idea how he laughed and smiled while he did it.

For Sven and dante’s stepmother Marie, it has been important to know what happened that day, Dante disappeared.

Thanks to blodhunden Sonja, they have now received a reply. It reports Expressen.

even Took the initiative

Sonja and her owners participated early in the leteaksjonen after Dante. They even took contact with the family, and after a visit to dante’s room, was the dog unleashed to look up the boy.

– Bloodhounds have extremely good sense of smell. After having been presented to a person’s smell, they can track it down without having to be disturbed by the odour from the other people and animals, writes Sara Vallin from Sporhundgruppa in a post on Facebook.

Precisely these properties proved to be crucial, ” she explains. The large number of people did it namely difficult for the police sporhunder to search for Dante. The first day also had Sonja to give up on because of all the people who disturbed the tracking.

Thursday after Dante disappeared they received a tip to search along the lake Ätran.

There was reason to believe that he had been down there. Sonja also found the slot where Dante had come from and followed it down to the water. Then, we realized that the chance of finding him alive were very, very small, ” she says to Expressen.

the Day after was his lifeless body found in the water.

Unanswered questions

Even if Dante was found, was the family still left with several unanswered questions about what had happened that fateful afternoon.

In the attempt to find it out was Sonja, a week later try again. She got up the track at the same place that they saw it necessary to interrupt the search the first time.

It turned out that he had passed along the road and over a pedestrian crossings, a route the family often went on a walk with the dog.

It explains why no one had seen Dante the night he disappeared. Maybe he and the dog came away from each other, and so ended up he finally by Ätran, ” says Vallin.

Lauding the efforts

dante’s dad Sven has several times expressed its deepest appreciation of the efforts of all who participated in the leteaksjonen for the son.

Now that the family has finally been answered their remaining questions thank he sporhundene that he won’t have to go around restlessly and wondering if the son could have been saved.

I really hope that you can help in the upcoming leteaksjoner so you get the chance to save lives, so that no one gets to experience what we go through. It feels tremendously important for me to know where Dante went that night, and that he fell in the water, even if it was too late. There are very many IF and BUT that I don’t have to fight against now. THANK you!!!!, he writes in a Facebook post.

dante’s dad: – today I got no drawing on farsdagen