Prince Henry, Kim Larsen and Morten Grunwald.

the Man with the scythe was in the degree out with the rake in a year where we lost a strip of the great Danish celebrity, who through the years have entertained us with their colorful personalities and big talents.

The annual inventory of, what they searched the most in Google also shows clearly, that it was just Kim Larsen and the other deceased giants, who had the danes ‘ interest.

Searches reminds us once more about those we lost – for example, Kim Larsen, Morten Grunwald, and Ole Thestrup. On the way the lists are also a tool you can use to look back on the year’s events, says Jesper Vangkilde, who is head of communications at Google Denmark.

Kim Larsen, who in the year had published his memoirs, was the most googled dane in 2018. Photo: Martin Kurt Haglund

A couple of individual living persons, however, there is also room for among the dead. Most significant is the much-talked-svindelsigtede Britta Nielsen, who after a sensational forsvindingsnummer was apprehended in south Africa.

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On the list of the most googled foreign celebrity you will find – not surprisingly – a new member of the british royal family and former actress Meghan Markle is absolutely top notch.

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Google: How to we make the lists

The Danish lists are made on the basis of the keywords, which has had the largest søgetilvækst in the past year (however with a minimum number of absolute searches).

There are some websites, people, and concepts, as always, is high on the søgelisterne. It is first and foremost about the ‘navigationssøgninger’ which searches on ‘Facebook’, ‘YouTube’, etc. The searches says not so much about what we have been particularly busy this year, and therefore, Google has chosen to focus on the keywords that are ’trending’. Google omits also, various spam, typos, and repetitions.

Concrete is made Year in Search lists by using various, both internal and external tools, which shows the anonymized search trends on an aggregated level. There is, among others, used data from Google Trends, which is a publicly accessible and free tool that displays the indexed search volume across geographies, time, and keywords.

Here you can all explore the trends, correlations and various searches on the global, national and regional level.

Source: Google

in Addition, it can be seen clearly at this year trendende searches, that the summer was extremely hot and sunny at home.

Searches on vandingsforbud, afbrændingsforbud, a fan and a fan jumped in the year up in the statistics, and perhaps it is also why, many have asked the question: What is the cost of a cubic meter of water?

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