at least 48 members of parliament from Mays private Toryparti requires a vote, so must such be held. So far, no such figure is presented, but according to the BBC has a number of different sources within the party stated that the border is now the most likely scenario is reached.

The only one who knows for sure, however, is Graham Brady, chairman of the parliamentary committee of the conservative party which takes a decision on a possible vote.

with May during the Wednesday, after her question and answer session in parliament. According to the BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg, it will probably not get any form of confirmation before then.

Sources in the prime minister’s administration would, however, tone down the image that a vote is near, and says it doesn’t know that Brady requested a meeting. Something that Laura Kuenssberg later also highlighted on Twitter and stated: ”We will not know for sure until there will be a statement”.

Read more: Vote on the Mays trust within the party ”likely”

Read more: Labour raises the Brexit-the tone against the government, May