Leif GW Persson tacklingen on Brynässtjärnan

Mannheim Thomas Larkin will be brought to justice after his assault on Brynäs Daniel Paille last season.

Now pronounce Leif GW Persson about the upcoming indictment.

– I equate this with a common assault, ” he says in TV4:s Brottscentralen.

It was just over a year ago that Brynäsforwarden Daniel Paille, 34, knockades with the violent force of the German Mannheim defenseman Thomas Larkin, 27, during a CHL game.

one hundred kilos heavy Larkin rammed with the full force of a totally unprepared and non puckförande Paille, who among other things suffered a concussion

Prosecuted for assault

The former Stanley Cup champion Paille never came back after the blast and announced in the summer that he is forced to quit with hockey. At the same time came Larkin away with only a three-match ban.

the Attack has sparked revulsion around the world of hockey and in the end of november came the news that Thomas Larkin will be prosecuted for assault.

In Tuesday’s episode of Brottscentralen on TV4 pronounce kriminalprofessorn Leif GW Persson on the case. He believes that the tacklingen on the ice can be equated with assault, or possibly aggravated assault.

– The popular perception is still that if you enter in the deck to get the deck to withstand, regardless of whether this game can sometimes get pretty harsh forms. I do not share that view, I equate this with a common assault, ” he says.

”There must be limits”

Larkin argues that the case of an accident and that he did not see the Paille before the blast he is not giving very for the.

“It speaks strongly against it is just that he raises the hammer before it slams, so he rams him simply,” says Leif GW Persson and is continuing:

– There must be limits though, if you start to allow things like this, the entire hockey turned into a public gathering where you simply try to run the crap out of the opponents regardless of where he finds himself.

the scale of punishment for the mistreatment of normalgraden is everything from fines up to two years in prison.

When the trial is to be held is not clear but the prosecutor Joakim Johansson has previously estimated that it will take place at the end of the spring.