the Proportion of swedes who are opposed to the EU-membership is in november to 15.6 percent, compared to 18.8 in may. The proportion of uncertain has also decreased, from eur 28.6 to 25.8 per cent. If there is a statistically significant change, according to statistics SWEDEN.

It is the EU-friendliest, the note in statistics SWEDEN’s measurements from 2006 and forward.

Göran von Sydow is a political scientist and director of the institute Sieps involved with EU research.

” this falls into a trend that we have seen in public opinion in almost all member states, after Brexitomröstningen in the Uk. One can imagine that Brexitförhandlingarna has illustrated the difficulties of leaving the EU but also the value of being a member, ” he says.

Göran von Sydow see more factors which may lie behind a more affirmative vision of the EUROPEAN union among swedes.

to the extent that the economic crisis is over so it can have a positive effect on public opinion, more in other countries, but also to a certain extent in Sweden. The uncertainty in the geopolitical developments can also play a role, for example, with the US acting different.

at the same time, statistics SWEDEN’s measurement that the proportion of swedes decreases that would vote yes in a referendum on membership in the monetary union, the EMU, that is to say, to replace the krona against the euro. 18,6 stand on the yes-side in the day, against 20.1 in may. 68.0 per cent would vote no. Although this change is statistically significant.

Göran von Sydow on the EMU-opinion:

” this shows that there is no great support for even more EU integration. I interpret this to mean that the majority of swedes are satisfied with the EU as it is now but do not want to have so much more.

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for the EU is evident among supporters of all the parliamentary parties, even the Left party and The sweden democrats who are outspoken opponents to the union. Seen over a longer period of time is most striking is how support for the EU has increased among centre party voters, which in part is likely to be linked to the party has gained more support in some EU-friendly groups, like the highly educated and city dwellers.

the Support for EU membership has increased most among women, from 50.6 in may to 57.5 in november. Thus reducing the difference against the men, who are more positive, to just 2.1 percentage points.

Still, it is in the big cities that the EU-membership has the strongest support, but it increases in all regions, shows SCB’s novembermätning. The lowest is support in Northern central Sweden, including Värmland, Dalarna and Gävleborg.

In may next year, elections to the EUROPEAN parliament. The changes in the Swedish public opinion is in a stage where the EU tried hard in several areas. The member states have not managed to agree on a common migration policy. Basic values such as media freedom and the rule of law is challenged by countries such as Hungary and Poland. Great uncertainty prevails before the Uk’s withdrawal. Europe’s security is in a new location with an assertive Russia that is arming itself up, and an the US distancing itself from its european allies.

at the same time emphasizes the many is the necessity that the countries of Europe acting together to tackle climate change. The French president Emmanuel Macrons involvement in the EU project has also aroused enthusiasm in some quarters.

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the Text is updated.

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