Sultan wants to challenge Fabian Stang of the Conservative Party to become Oslo mayor.

The nomination committee of the Green Party chose Sultan as its candidate for Oslo’s top position, reported Aftenposten.

Sultan said: “I think it is an exciting challenge. Oslo is an exciting city with great challenges and also great opportunities.”

The politician believes Oslo needs a Muslim mayor and does not see his religion as a barrier to the position.

Sultan said: “I think that sometimes we give people in comment fields and anonymous bloggers too much attention. My experience is that most people are in a completely different place. They are interested in someone who can do something about the problems they struggle with and do not care about their ethnic or religious background.”

The Green Party is aiming for ten-percent support in Oslo at the municipal election next autumn. 

If the Greens achieve a new red-green majority together with Ap (Labour Party), SV (Socialist Left Party) and Rødt (Red Party), and assuming the Greens get m,ore votes than SV, then Sultan could be in a strong position to get the nod as mayor of Oslo.