Environment the map Above is the result of a 9-year-old satellietonderzoek conducted at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Scientists brought the global ammonia emission map, and the result suggests that the man the quantity of excrement of the livestock to be underestimated. The research team published the alarming results of their research in the journal Nature.

The red zones on the world map to mark a high concentration of device for stools. It is, of course, not the feces itself, but rather the ammonia that is released. Ammonia (NH3) is a colourless waste gas that is produced when nitrogen and hydrogen mix together. It is also one of the three main gases responsible for the strengthening of the greenhouse effect. the

Especially around large industrial farms with chickens, cows and pigs, much ammonia is released. And long-term exposure to the gas can in humans lead to serious lung diseases. But also the crops and animals around the contaminated places suffer from a large amount of ammonia. Therefore, it is important for the emissions and severity. Did a research team at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

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On the map, could the scientists 242 called hotspots designate. Only one of them relates to a natural emission of ammonia: the Natronmeer in Tanzania, it repels a lot of ammonia, probably caused by the large amount of algae. The other 241 hotspots are linked to human activities. There are 83 related to intensive livestock farms, 158 are related to other industries. Consider, for example, factories that manufacture fertilizers on the basis of ammonia production. the

And the scientists noticed a few striking things. Not only are almost all of the hotspots due to human activities, the researchers were able to the exact moment indicate which farms and industrial plants established or expanded. That means that the impact of the NH3 emissions immediately felt.

more importantly, the map suggests that the true size of the NH3-emissions to the maximum extent underestimated. According to the research team were at least 160 of the 242 hotspots not previously reported in large-scale klimaatrapporten.

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