Demonstrators on Charlottesville drive a man to spend probably the rest of his life behind bars. James Fields (center, black shield in his hand) to save my image to the far right of the meeting before he drove deliberately facing the crowd. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS

American neo-nazi James Alex Fields Jr ., 21, was sentenced Tuesday to life imprisonment for woman’s murder. He was found guilty last week.

the Verdict decided by the jury, which proposes a life sentence on top of another 419 years in prison for other crimes. Fines field it will be paid 480 000$. Formally sentenced to the judge at the end of march. He can choose to reduce prison sentence length, but not to raise it.

Fields drove his car deliberately into the crowd in charlottesville in August last year. Hit-and-run death of 32-year-old Heather Kuchta and a couple of dozen people were injured.

Fields ‘ defense argued that the man feared for their own safety and act to protect themselves.

Fields was in town to take part in the so-called Unite the Right -the demonstration, which was accompanied by neo-nazis, alt-right, ku klux klan members and other white race supremacist supporters.

Heyer and other yliajetut were counter-demonstrators.

Unite the Right -the event drew a year ago, many of the variegated group of Virginia, Charlottesville. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS