
Porsche Carrera Cup Zandvoort: Sam Jongejan Shines Again on the Podium

The Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux held its second round of the championship this weekend at Circuit Zandvoort. The first races of the fastest brand cup in the Benelux took place in mid-May at the Spa-Francorchamps circuit in the Belgian Ardennes, and now Sam Jongejan had the opportunity to showcase his skills in front of his home fans in Zandvoort.

At the end of 2023, Sam Jongejan, already supported by Socia, made an impression in the final round of the Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux 2023 at the Red Bull Ring in Austria. In very difficult weather conditions, the then 18-year-old Jongejan showed his potential, leading to a full season in the top racing class in the Benelux. Representing Socia, Sam Jongejan is participating this season with a Porsche 911 GT3 Cup – Type 992 – from the strong Dutch Team RaceArt.

In the dunes on the North Sea coast, two races of thirty minutes plus one lap were on the schedule as part of the Dutch leg of the prestigious DTM championship. Main sponsor Socia was present at this home race, with both Rob Boegem and Hinko Bakker cheering Sam on towards the podium.

“It’s wonderful to see full grandstands again,” beamed Sam Jongejan. “Motorsport is alive, as we saw in Belgium during the first weekend and now again here in Zandvoort. The Porsche Carrera Cup has a tight and beautiful calendar, with consistently high attendance, which is important for my partners and sponsors. Especially the autograph session, where I saw so many people, was a highlight!”

The first race took place on Saturday, with a tumultuous start where Sam Jongejan skillfully navigated around a stationary participant without error. “It was a thrilling moment, and then I did everything I could to defend my position on the podium. We managed to do that, even though the car’s setup was not quite perfect. But we earned important points in the battle for the Rookies title.”

Second Podium Finish

The second race on Sunday morning also drew a full crowd, and once again Sam Jongejan secured a spot on the podium. The young Dutchman confirms all the positive talk about him and now prepares for the second part of the season, with two races in the summer months.

“It was indeed a weekend where, after challenging qualifications, we gave it our all and maximized our potential. These points are crucial,” Jongejan reflected.

Looking ahead to the upcoming races, Jongejan said, “On July 6 and 7, we head to the legendary Imola circuit in Italy, where we will race alongside the European Le Mans Series. Then on August 3 and 4, we have races during the highly popular Jack Racing Day in North Netherlands, at Assen. I aim to be at the front of the pack once again!”

By adding additional details about Sam Jongejan’s journey, his success in the Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux, and his future plans for the season, the rewritten article provides a comprehensive overview of the recent race weekend at Zandvoort. The expansion maintains a coherent flow and enhances the reader’s understanding of the topic.