Headed by the Vatican logo, the letter that Stefano Paciotti received handwritten by Pope Francis is, without a doubt, a good endorsement for a product that is born from an alliance between Beher, a brand of Iberian hams and sausages from Guijuelo (Salamanca) , and Raspini, teaches with 78 years of experience in the Italian charcuterie market. At least it is a good starting point to market a prosciuto cotto (Italian cooked ham) whose recipe adds the essence of Italian culinary tradition and the extraordinary flavor of Iberian ham. This culinary and business joint venture has resulted in a cooked ham with unmatched flavor and a tender, juicy texture that is already the Holy Father’s favorite.

Defined in said menu as “very good”, this cooked ham has 99% 100% Iberian meat content and natural ingredients such as honey, Himalayan salt and Marsala wine. It is difficult to disappoint Pope Francis with these ingredients, which is why Stefano Paciotti, owner of Paciotti Salumeria, one of the best stores in Rome, decided to serve it at an agape that was held at the Consulate of the Spanish Embassy. This event was attended by an assistant of the Holy Father, Signora Eva, who was impressed by the quality of the new product and who invited Paciotti to send a sample to Pope Francis, known for his good palate. Paciotti personally brought a leg of this ham and a letter of introduction and prayed that the product would receive his blessings. A few days later, Paciotti received a handwritten letter to thank him and congratulate him on the quality of the product; a prayer, four rosaries blessed by the Pontiff and a photo of him.

Furthermore, this new prosciuto cotto is a healthy food, backed by a wide range of cardiovascular properties, which makes it the best choice for those gourmets who want to take care of their well-being – it is rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and oleic acid. Prized for both its exquisite flavor and its versatility in the kitchen, it can be enjoyed thinly sliced ​​or as a gourmet ingredient in a wide variety of recipes. But those who want to try it will have to hurry, since currently only about 640 pieces are made per year, half destined for the Italian market and the other half to be sold in Spain. In fact, in Italy there is not much product left and since the opinion of the Supreme Pontiff was made public, no one wants to stop trying it.

The Pope, who asks Stefano to pray for him, concludes his letter by wishing him “that the Lord bless him and the Virgin protect him” and says goodbye with: “A big hug, Francesco.” Stefano asked the Vatican for permission to frame the letter along with a photo of the Pope and the envelope with the famous philatelic seal of the Holy See. Painting that he already has hanging in his sausage shop.