Happiness is not in the building of the Bergers (Corinne Touzet and Pascal Légitimus) and the Tissandiers (Anny Duperey and Francis Perrin). The first couple decides to kick out their neighbors from the fifth floor. They are above, on the sixth, and dream of a duplex with stairs and breathtaking views of the city. “ Ready to do anything to expand! », warns the subtitle of Duplex, the new comedy by Didier Caron (A real happiness – five Molières in 2003 -, A special gift, False note, etc.).
Low blows, blatant lies, diabolical plan, the Bergers will stop at nothing to see the “little old people”, retired professors who are nevertheless happy in their Regency style living room, move out. Unlike the “bobos”, fans of Swedish furniture. Michel Berger – yes, like the late singer – sells batches of paper napkins over the microphone.
It’s too rare not to be mentioned, the Théâtre de Paris is packed with this boulevard play which simultaneously immerses the audience in the two apartments of the protagonists. Jean Haas, the decorator, placed the living rooms side by side, but the mobile platform follows the comings and goings of their inhabitants. All it takes is for the Bergers and the Tissandiers to leave their front door open to hear their respective arguments.
Didier Caron knows a lot about the couple, he multiplies the funny exchanges and the murderous salvos.
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The author also enjoys calling the spectators to witness. The latter do not hide their joy in applauding the stars “in real life”: Corinne Touzet and Francis Perrin “seen on television”. The first in the series A Woman of Honor, the second, in Tomorrow belongs to us and The Code. As for Pascal Légitimus, he is one of the famous Unknowns and Anny Duperey, the unforgettable interpreter of An Elephant That Deceives a Lot and a successful novelist.
The actress alone is worth the trip. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen her this wild. She shines with a girl’s enthusiasm in a country dance, then a sexy number that is priceless.
Its partners are not left out. We rediscover that Corinne Touzet and Francis Perrin are good theater actors and that Pascal Légitimus has an undeniable comic temperament. Accomplices, the four enjoy themselves at the risk of having unexpected fits of laughter, but their followers ask for more. Actor and also a wise director, Didier Caron offered everyone the opportunity to exploit their range of acting: there is no need to repeat it to them. Everything is light, improbable and predictable, that’s the principle, but we laugh a lot and that’s already not bad.
Until the end of June at the Théâtre de Paris, Paris 9th. Res. : or theatredeparis.com