This article is taken from the special issue of Le Figaro “D’Est en Ouest – Vivre au Canada”, available on the Figaro Store.

A state-owned company, Investissement Québec supports immigrant entrepreneurs in their process of creating or taking over a business. Referral to the right experts (accountants, lawyers, business angels, etc.), to financial institutions to obtain a loan or equity funds, assistance with exports or modernization… there are numerous forms of support.

“Our service offering is complementary to traditional financial institutions,” explains Jocelyn Beauchesne, first vice-president of the Investissement Québec regional network. “The entrepreneur who arrives in Quebec must explain his project to us, present his team, his operational or business plan, his previous companies, specify whether or not he will keep the employees in place. We must ensure that the acquired company will not decline in the months that follow. You have to be transparent with the financial institution you do business with. This will become an ally, in the same way as the accountant or the lawyer, and it is necessary to create a close relationship. Good relationships are based on trust. »