One in two French people (50%) believe that it is acceptable “not to award the prize to a film during the César ceremony when one of its actors or its director is accused (but not condemned by the courts) by one or more women with sexist behavior. Likewise, 49% think that a film subject to such accusations should not be financed and 47% should promote it. These are the lessons of an Opinionway survey for La Tribune Dimanche conducted between February 7 and 8, 2024.

Among the respondents most in favor of these sanctions, we find a large majority of women (with a gap of ten points compared to the responses of men) and especially the youngest. More than two thirds of those aged 18-34 surveyed are in favor of such measures compared to only a third of those aged over 65. On the other hand, 58% of respondents think that we should not stop showing films on television or in the cinema whose “actors or directors are accused (but not condemned by the courts) of sexist behavior by one or more women” .

Among those most convinced by the idea of ​​a boycott at the Césars, the former voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Yannick Jadot in 2022 (59 and 60%), just ahead of those of Marine Le Pen (53%); the least convinced are recruited among the former voters of Valérie Pécresse (44%) and, above all, among those of Éric Zemmour (29%).

More generally, two thirds of French people (67%) consider it progress that a convicted person cannot return to their job after serving their sentence.

On the other hand, 64% believe that “accusations or complaints of sexual assault are disclosed in the media before the end of the investigation and a judicial decision” is a deviation.

OpnionWay-La Tribune du Dimanche survey, sample of 1,057 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over. The interviews were conducted from February 7 to 8, 2024.